and Welcome to Dragonfly Dezignz
So you need someone to design your
web site for you and you are looking around the web for that person
or company. Great, that is the best way to do it, take a look
around and see what everyone has to offer. While you are looking
around you will see that some people have only designed their
own sites and others have designed a lot, then there are those
who fall in between those two and lately those who use a template
form of design. However we are all called Web Designers, and we
understand that it can be very confusing for a new comer to know
who is good and who is not.
One thing you could do is to just surf
the web and when you find a site that you like see who designed
it, most designers leave their mark somewhere on the site. Check
out the designer and see if they are the person for you. Each
of us have our own way of designing, some have qualifications
and some just have savvy, and then again some are just winging
it. You have a big job ahead of you, and we wish you luck.
Maybe you have done as much searching
as you can stand and have decided that you like what you see designed
by Dragonfly Dezignz. If that is so we are very honoured that
you have chosen us, and we will do whatever we can to make your
journey to being a website owner a great experience, culminating
in a wonderful web site.
Formally Dragonfly_7 Designs, we have
been designing sites since 1997. We are based in the UK but have
had clients in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Australia.
Where ever you are located we will be able to work with you, after
all that is what the web is all about, it makes the world a smaller
place, and that makes us all a great big extended family.
Please click on the links above to
find out more.
Take a look on the portfolio
page at some of the sites that we have already made.
If you need
to get back to this page please click on the dragonfly at the
bottom of each page and you will be transported here.
Dragonfly Dezignz Web site development has been reviewed
and chosen to bear the 2002-2003 Golden Web Award.
you I.A.W.M.D.

All images and original designs
are protected ect under United States and International copyright
May 2018 - Under new privacy
laws all businesses have to supply a statement about the way they deal with
their customers privacy. I am a tiny business but have done one anyway. It is
located HERE
Copyright© by Dragonfly Dezignz. All Rights Reserved. 1998 - 2019