Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride 2013

On November 7, 1862, a large group of Dakota, primarily women, children and elders, were force-marched in a four-mile long procession from the Lower Sioux Agency to Fort Snelling. Many of them did not survive.







A building used for the trials of the Dakota men in 1862

This page shows the names of the men who were hung or imprisoned in 1862. The second column gives the detail of their fate.

Names of the Condemned Dakota Men

220 plus the 39+3 people altogether

Te he hdo ne cha-One who jealously guards his home.

Ptan doo ta-Scarlet Otter.

Wy a tah ta wah-His people.

Hin han shoon ko yag-One who walks clothed in owl feathers.

Muz za boom a du-Iron Blower.

Wah pay du ta-Red leaf.

Wa he hna-I came (?).

Sna ma ni-Tinkling Walker.

Ta te mi na-Round Wind.

Rda in yan kna-Rattling Runner.

Do wan sa-One Who Sings a Lot or the Singer.

Ha pan-Second-born child and male in a Dakota family.

Shoon ka ska-White Dog.

Toon kan e chah tay mane-One who walks by his Grandfather.

E tay hoo tay-Scarlet Face.

Am da cha-Broken to Pieces.

Hay pee don-Third-born child and male in a Dakota family with the diminutive “little.”

Mahpe o ke na ji-One who Stands on a Cloud.

Henry Milord

Chaskay don-First-born child and male in a Dakota family with the diminutive “little.”

Baptiste Campbell

Tah ta kay gay-Wind Maker.

Ha pink pa-The Top of the Horn.

Hypolite Ange

Na pay shne-Fearless.

Wa kan tan ka-Great Mystery.

Toon kan ka yag e na jin-One who Stands Clothed with his Grandfather or One who Stands Cloaked in Stone.

Ma kat e na jin-One who Stands on the Earth.

Pa zee koo tay ma ne-One who Shoots While Walking.

Ta tay hde don-Wind Comes Home.

Wa she choon-Whiteman.

A e cha ga-To Grow Upon.

Ha tan in koo-Returning Clear Voice.

Chay ton hoon ka-Elder Hawk.

Chan ka hda-Near the Woods.

Hda hin hday-Sudden Rattle.

O ya tay a koo-He Brings the People.

May hoo way wa-He Comes for Me.

Wa kin yan na-Little Thunder.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

In Lincoln’s executive order but reprieved at the last minute.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Hanged at Mankato.

Medicine Bottle and Shakopee (Little Six) - hanged later

Tayodeduta-Little Crow - shot

Tunkan e cha

Tah-e yo kan

Wan num dee kean heyaye ina

Pejihuta ska-White Medicine.

Tunkan e hdo mani-Walks by his Grandfather.
Said to be “Old Columbus.”


Wazi duta-Red Pine.

Wakan inape dan-Appears mysteriously.

Oceti duta-Place of Red Fire.

Akicita wakan-Sacred Soldier.

Maka a mani waxicum-White Man Walks the Earth.

W__yan a kita-

Iyotan ona-Shoots More than Others.

Tatanke kute-Buffalo Shooter.

Maza yuha mani-Carries Iron Walking.

Ta wa chin hay-

Wakinyan hiyaye-Forked Lightning.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned at Rock Island 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

To hang. Pardoned 1863.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

Xake hanske-Long Claws.

Anpao hdi najin-Returns and Stands at Daybreak.

Waxicum maza-Iron White Man.

Hoxidan nonpa-Twin Baby Boy.

Ta peta-His fire.

Ta tay wah kun na ki ya-

Shin ta-

We cha hin cha maza-

Wakinyan maza-Iron thunder.

Peji rota-Gray Grass (wild sage).

Maza Wakinyan na-Little Iron Thunder.


Ite hota-Gray Face.

Tate tokeca-Different Kinds of Wind.

Too man na-

Kayo-Carries for Another.

Wazi duta-Red Pine.

Hepan na-Little Hepan.

Maza iyapa-Striking Irons Together.

Wicanrpi ota-Many Stars.

Oyay e cha sna-

Wasu wakanhdi-Lightning Hail.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Year imprisonment.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

Marpiya tanka-Big Cloud.


Hotanin xica-Bad Voice.

Tate yuha mani-Carries the Wind as He Walks.

Xota dan-Cloudy (or bleary).

Ta tay wan yag kan-

Tukan aputeg mani-Presses the Sacred Stone with
his Hands While Walking.

Kam pay ska-

Maza i heyedan-Strikes on Iron.

Tukan xa iceye-Sacred Stone Paints itself Red.
Later an Indian minister called Solomon.

Tawa hinkpe duta-His Scarlet Arrow.

Hepan duta-Scarlet second born if son.

Ta peta tanka-His Big Fire.

Wa na pay ya-

Xunkardo-Dog Growls.

Ea ska mane-

Waxte inape-Appears Good.

We zoo ha-

Toon kan wa kan-

Bo ga ga-


Nagi dan-Little Ghost.

Toon kan ke yo mane-

Sitomni-Everywhere (all around).

Waxtexte-Several Times Good.

To hang. Pardoned 1866. (Error in book)

Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang

Five years imprisonment.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Probably pardoned before others.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

Five years imprisonment, changed to hanging.

Acquitted, case re-opened and ordered to hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Karboka-Sailing (or floating).

We cha wa ge dan-

Sam e che ya-

Etay ho mini-


Mash tay-Waxte-Good.

Anpetu o janjan na-Bright (or sunny) Day.

Ta marpiya rota-His Gray Cloud.

Minister called David.

Itay ho pay-

Wakinyan wicakte-Lightning Kills.

Iyopte mani-Swift Walker.

Tate ohomni inyanke-Runs Around the Wind.

Wa he tay maza-

Louis Freniere-

Joe Provencalle-

E wan kan e nagin-

Hmun yan ku-Returns with a Buzz.

Tukan ji dan-Little Rusty (or brownish) Sacred Stone.

E ta ge ne ya-

Tukan ji-Yellow Stone.

Thomas Feniere-

Oyate yanku-People Coming Back.

John Freniere-


Tee maze pay waka-

Wakanhdi to-Blue Lightning.

Ite wakanhdi ota-Many Lightnings in Face.

Ta ma hpe wa stay-

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Year imprisonment.

Five years imprisonment.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

Pardoned 1866

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

Five years imprisonment. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

Five years imprisonment.

Five years imprisonment.

To hang.

Five years imprisonment.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Five years imprisonment.

Ta chan cha wa kan-

Wamde oo pe dan-

Xonka waxte-Good Dog.

sha ka dan to-

Na pa sni ma za-

Toonkan to e cha ga to-

Wakanhdi ota-Many Lightnings.

Hocoka-Middle (or center).

O e cha ga-



Okaze-Skates (or slides).

Tee o wink mane.

Cetan rota-Gray Hawk.

Waka etape mane-

Ta canrpi maza-His Iron Tomahawk.

Kohdamni najin-Headed Off Standing.

tay e cha gay-

Wakan hdo mane-

Taninyan na-Little Breath.

Pa tan in ne ya-

Hmoon yan ke ya dan-

Ta najin-

kute-Pine Shooter.

Ta wotahe duta-His Scarlet Medicine Bag.

We cha sha che gay-

Toon wan wan jidan-

Hepan-Second born if son.

Tunkan koyag i mani-Walks by his Grandfather.

Ay ha kay dan-

Wasu hota-Gray Hail.

Wakan dowan-Sings Sacredly.

Nina iyopte-Goes Ahead Very Swiftly.

Wakinyan kute-Lightning Shooter.

Peta wanyag mani-Kindles Fire as he Walks.

Anpao hdi najin-Returns and Stands at Daybreak.

O ta hay dan-

Hay pin kpa-

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang

To hang

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned no date found.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Three years imprisonment.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

To hang

To hang. Pardoned.

Three years imprisonment.

To hang.

Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.


To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

Pardoned 1866.


Three years imprisonment.

Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

Tate hdi najin-Wind Returns Standing.

Wan wakan kida-Believes his Arrow Sacred.

Tate peta-Fire Winds (that burn).

Ta wipe-His Weapon.

Hin han e yay yay.

Maka a inyanke-Runs on Earth.

Lot ite janjan-Light Face.

Ta hanpe wakan-His Sacred Moccasin.

Etay e cha sna mani-


Anpetu iyokihi-Next to Day.

Ojanjan na-Bright.

Ta o ha gay-

Ta wa pa ha ja ta-

Tawa hinkpe-His Arrow.

Dowanwan ku-Sings Coming Back.

Ta canrpi ojanjan-His Tomahawk Is Bright.

Maza a inyanke-Makes Iron to Run (melt).

Waxicum sapa-Black Whiteman (Negro).

Chin pee ta na-

Marpiya duta-Red Cloud.

Maza e day yay dan-

Han yan to ka ke-

Marpiya waxicum-Cloud Whiteman.

Marpiya o he yay-

Ay cha yan kay-

Ampaytu ta ka-

E kpi sapa-

Wakanhdi hota-Gray Lightning.

Wicaxte maza-Iron Man.

Otin iyapa-Echo Maker.

We cha hpe nonpa-

Ta wicaxte-The whiteman.

Marpiya hepiya-Lowering Clouds.

Marpiya ota-Many Clouds.

Maza de de-

Marpiya a e hdo-

O ya tay tanka-

Chan o man ne-

Ti yokiti-Occupies his Own Tipi.

O yay ko ke pa-

Han yay too wa kan na ne-

Ho waxte-Good Voice.

Kam pay ska-

Rmu ya koo-

Enape koyag mani-Appears Clothed Walking.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang

To Hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

Three years imprisonment.

Acquitted but on the pardon list of 1866.

Acquitted but on the pardon list of 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. pardoned 1866

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

Wakan ho min koo dan-

Marpiya akicita-Cloud Soldier.

Ta xunke wakan-His Sacred Horse.

Wamdi ji-Yellow Eagle.

Toonkan e yay we cha yay.

Marpiya wicakte-Cloud Kills.

Cetan rota-Gray Hawk.

Maza kin yan hi ya ya-

Wakinyan to (iceye)-Lightning Paints Itself Blue.

Ta ho coka duta-His Red Middle Voice.

Choon hdo ka doo ta-

Kieos mani-Beckons as he Walks.

Kawinge-Circles About.

Wan wakan kida-Believes his Arrows Sacred.

Chan hday shka ma za.

Xake hota-Gray Claws.

We ya ka-

Maza wicakte-Iron That Kills.

E ya na pay-

Nom ahdi-Brings Back Two.

Toon kan chan kday shka-

Xa iceye-Paints Himself Red.

Tawa hinkpe maza-His Iron Arrows.

Kin yan hde don.

Wakanhdi rota-Gray Lightning.

Marpiya Wakanhdi-Cloud Lightning.

Tukau ji iceye-Sacred Stone Paints Itself Yellow.

Paze najin-Stands Ready.

E pah tay-

Marpiya wakan-Sacred Cloud.

Wicanrpi duta-Red Star.

Ti nazipe-His Bow.

Ma za e shkan man ne-

Ta niyan hdi najin-He Stands Fast.

Marpiya cokaya mani-Walks in Center of Clouds.

Pa inyanke duta-Rolling a Red Hoop (the hoop game).

Tukan waxtexte-Good Sacred Stones.

Marpiya ota-Many Clouds.


Ma ka na sho ta-

Tee o ho mni pe.

Toon wee chock tay.

E to hna kay.

Ma ne ke ya.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang

To hang.

To hang.

To hang

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang. Pardoned 1866.

To hang.

To hang, changed to five years imprisonment.

To hang.

One year imprisonment.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang.

To hang

We have found that there is a name missing from this list, that of Wambdetanka Big Eagle, who was imprisoned in Davenport for two years after the Mankato hangings. He went from there to Santee Nebraska, and from there to Flandreau where he was one of the founders of the settlement there.

If you know of any other person missing from the list please let us know and they will be added.



Page made by Gloria Hazell-Derby for the Dakota Woman's March