Dakota Commemorative March 2014

On November 7, 1862, a group of Dakota, primarily women, children and elders, were force-marched in a four-mile long procession from the Lower Sioux Agency to Fort Snelling. Many of them did not survive.













A young Dakota woman who held the pain of a Nation in her eyes.

The following is my response to the Committee after receiving the list of names of the people who were interred at Fort Snelling to add to the site. I am sure that I won't be the only one who reacts in this way. I hope not anyway. The public needs to see these names and remember them. Gloria Hazell (web site designer)

"Now that I have wiped the tears from my eyes, I can speak. wow! That is a lot of names. I have never seen such a long list of womens names at once. Can you imagine how terrible those women had to have felt to be the heads of their families after their men were taken from them in one way or another. Women in those days and especially in the Dakota culture were never known as the head of the family, that was the job or title of the men. So on top of all this degredation of the march and the loss of friends and family they also had the indignity of being in the place of their husband/partner as head of the family."

"It seems stupid I guess that I am reacting this way, after all I know the history, and I know the names of the 38 + 3, (The 38 + 3 refers the 38 men hung at Mankato on December 26th, 1862, and to Medicine Bottle, and Shakopee who were both tricked in Canada and were bought back to Minnesota to be hung. The third one is Little Crow who was not hung but was killed by a farmer in a field, that was bad enough but then his body was put on show and taken around the country. He wasn't buried until over 100 years later in Flandreau. over the years it was decided to add Little Crow to those remembered because of that degradation.) but I guess it didn't bring it home to me until I saw this list with all of the women's names. So many 'Win'. It really needs to be seen because if I, with my knowledge, reacts like this how will people who have no knowledge about it react.

These people, these women, these incredibly strong, couragious women need to be remembered. I will do my best to make a web page that does that. Thank you for allowing me to do this. It is a great honor."


The names of the people follow, the number next to their names are the family members who were with them. Remember these are just the Head of family names.

Fort Snelling Concentration Camp Dakota Prisoners 1862-63
Heads of families and number of family members as compiled by the U.S. Army on December 2, 1862

3368 people altogether

Wapahasa's Band (196)

Wapahasa 8
Canhpiyuha 5
Wakanhdiota 5
Okisemaye 5
Winuna Tanka 6
Icazuntewin 3
Tiniyukpanin 8
Dowanhdinape 6
Hupahdinazinwin 7
Dowanhdinapewin 4
Hapan 7
Hupahu 4
Iyowin 5
Tukannapinwin 8
Wicinyan 3
Cegabutiwin 4
Akiwiwina 7
Mahpiyadutawin 4
Hdonicawin 6
Winuna Dutawin 4
Tokahewin 4
Tateyuhewin 9
Magasinawin 2
Hapan 5
Tawicin 6
Wospi 6
Tahaya 9
Hotawinna 3
Kapopawin 5
Mahpiyahdegawin 5
Winuna 2

Passing Hail's Band (227)

Wasuhiyayada 7
Tatehota 8
Hapan 6
Tiozanzanwin 7
Saiciyeda 12
Taputadutawin 3
Waste 3
Tahanpaaye 5
Hapstinna 4
Canhdeska 5
Hoganyudwin 5
Hapanau 2
Siiyatukawin 2
Heyake 12
Pezihuta 7
Ninahnihdiwin 13
Zitkadayuzawin 2
Tukanokiyewin 7
Hazawin 3
Hapan 5
Mahpiya 8
Hapstin 6
Wapiyawicsta 3
Winuna 4
Wanbdisanwastewin 7 Tatekinyaniyayewin 5
Tasinatowin 7
Wakankoyakewin 3
Hapan 5
Ogu 6
Hoksida 6
Mazayuhayankewin 8
Maniwakanhdiwin 5
Mazanumpawin 2

Red Leg's Band (172)

Husasa 5
Pepe 4
Hepi 5
Iyotankewin 7
Wakanna 7
Hepan 6
Iyeyawin 6
Haza 5
Payahiyawin 5
Mazaiyotankewin 3
Winuna 3
Ptesanwin 7
Canhdeskamaza 5
Hazadutawin 4
Napeya 7
Su-un 3
Hapan 4
Anpetuhiyawin 7
Wakanmaniwin 2
Mazaahdiyahdu 4
Wakanhdiotawin 6
Wageininmapewin 2
Intekiyawin 2
Zitkada 2
Mahpiyunawin 3
Tukananapewin 4
Wakinyanokiyab 8
Wospi 2
Tokanyahpewin 5

Wakute's Band (254)

Wakute 9
Tunwanota 7
Wakanwapiwin 4
Winyanau 6
Hapan 3
Owahca 6
Nagi 3
Tatecinwin 4
Susu 2
Waci 5
Mahpiyaduzahan 7
Upanhdayawin 4
Kaiyowazewin 5
Tasinatowin 8
Wanhdaka 7
Oiceyawin 6
Waktaahdewin 9
Winyannau 7
Wipe-un 13
Zitkadasakoyake 9
Mahpiyatankawin 9
Aupehdiwin 10
Tiakunwin 11
Canku 9
Wakankihna 7
Winuna 5
Cusnawin 7
Tanagidutawin 4
Kanpeskapewin 7
Kampeskada 10
Wakanhdiiyotankewin 7
Takanheca 6
Itewakanhdiwin 5

Eagle Head's Band (130)

Huicape 7
Mahpiyahdakinyamun 7
Cehdupasamsun 2
Kahdawin 10
Iyaheyahewin 4
Touake 7
Hapaupaye 2
Haza 11
Canwiyawa 7
Canhdeyayewin 2
Tawospin 3
Tasinainayawin 2
Anpetuwastewin 8
Paksiksan 6
Tamaza 7
Wakanhditaninwin 2
Oyewastewin 3
Wicahpikoyakewin 4
Tatehonunwin 4
Tapeta 1
Wiyuhamani 10

Black Dog's Band (74)

Napesni 5
Mazaiojanjanwin 2
Anpetuiyotankewin 2
Ptanhiyewin 1
Tokahiwin 3
Hoto 5
Winuna 3
Kabdecabwin 1
Mahpiyuzawin 2
Sagyeopahdawin 4
Hapan 4
Tasinawakan 3
Wicanhpidutawin 4
Ihawayakapi 4
Owankatowin 5
Aupo 1
Iciyaupiwin 2
Cajeyatawin 5

Good Road's Band (119)

Wamanus'a 7
Tateayatomni 9
Mahtiadizinin 3
Tatewastewin 3
Ahdatewin 7
Ptandutawin 8
Makatokecawin 6
Hinhewin 4
Capaahdewin 4
Hohepetakicawin 5
Kanpeska 5
Hotada 4
Miniskatewin 7
Winode 2
Itesan 3
Mahpiyatowin 4
Hopecutankawin 6
Oyenakisnawin 3
Nazan 3
William Adams 2
Yucauniwin 3

Taopi's Band (390)

Taopi 5
Istazani 7
Wicinyan 4
Wakanhdisapa 9
Tukanwicasta 6
Wasteiado 7
Makayewin 6
Hakewote 11
Wiyotanhanau 5
Nunpaicaga 7
Wastemnawin 5
Paza 5
Wahacankamaza 8
Tateahpeyab 5
Betsey 4
Wakinyatawa 8
Hunkamaza 5
Inkpawayakapi 4
Wanhinkpe 7
Aupeicage 4
Sunkatoiciye 6
Caske 7
Mahpiyainyanke 7
Tacetansan 5
Dutawin 5
Canohnahiyayeda 9
Winyan 2
Kandisapa 9
Mahpiyawakanzi 4
Nagitopawin 6
Hotohdinape 7
Maza 2
Sunkemaza 11
Wakinyantopa 2
Nankadutawin 3
Pesaduta 7

Yellow Medicine's Band (664)

Anawangmani 8
Wakanboide 4
Tasina 3
Wihake 4
Iyegeda 3
Cetangeda 7
Winyantoiciye 1
Apahtawin 3
Tukaw 1
Mahpiyaayewin 4
Kandisotawin 5
Wasusnawin 11
Kuteu 3
Iya 1
Sihapakiye 7
Wanske 2
Anawagkutemani 5
Okihipisni 9
Tunkan 5
Wakanoiseda 3
Kaskawin 4
Tukanhdiyotankewin 4
Dowanmani 6
Niteopi 7
Hapan 4
Mazaska 5
Wicanhpi Numpa 4
Wicacaka 2
Inihan 5
Kuwaau 5
Wakanmani 3
Upan 6
Wakankada 4
Mahpiyawinna 10
Sakeda 6
Peta 7
Wakanhdikoyakewin 8
Mainapewin 4
Mizowin 7
Oyatenazinwin 4
Makainapewin 2
Supehiyu 7
Tahazu 5
Mahpiyataninin 6
Wihniunkawaste 5
Wacage 5
Tunwanwantiton 6
Dotedutawin 8
Wiyuha 12
Ecetukiya 4
Wakamnapiwin 4
Wicanhpiwegacin 4
Mahpiyakoyakewin 4
Anpetusa 12
Hapan 5
Sokehcawin 1
Mazaonahonwin 3
Sucanwasocaoun 6
Hapstin 2

Mixed Blood Families (142)

John Moore 5
Angus M. Robertson 1
Gustavus A. Robertson 1
Thomas A. Robertson 2
Jane Moore 1
Joseph E. LaFramboise 4
Louise Moore 3
Louise Frenier 2
Narcisse Frenier 3
Alexis E. LaFramboise 3
Thomas Robinson 2
Louison Frenier 8
Jack Frasier 1
Joseph Lablac 8
David Fairebault 1
Joseph Monterey 2
Mary Tussotts 1
A. D. Campbell 8
Scott Campbell 5
Antoine Renville 7
Michael Renville 6
Gabriel Renville 8
Charles Crawford 1
Frances Roy 8
Vetal Boye 3
Daniel Renville 4
Joseph Renville 2
Rosalie Renville 2
Maline Mumford 4
Alek Graham 6