Mother Earth Spirituality

and more books by Ed McGaa

Mother Earth Spirituality :

Native American Paths to Healing Ourselves and Our World

by Ed McGaa, Marie N. Buchfink (Illustrator)

List Price: $17.00 Our Price: $13.60 save $3.40
Availability: This title usually ships within 2-3 days.
Paperback - 256 pages 1st Ed. edition (May 1990) Harper San Francisco; ISBN: 0062505963

Mixing natural spirituality, a belief that humanity is rooted in a living, feeling earth, and an awareness of scientific ecological principles, Eagle Man draws on centuries of Native American wisdom to offer practices and ceremonies that reestablish a nurturing relationship with nature. From the Publisher An Oglala Sioux's introduction to Native American philosophy, history, and rites that teaches us how to reconnect with and help heal our wounded Mother Earth.

The author, Ed(EagleMan) McGaa, January 24, 1997 I am a registered, enrolled, born-on-the-reservation Oglala Sioux. So few books by Native Americans who have experienced their culture have been written regarding our deep values, gifts to the world and wonderful spirituality from a traditionalist point of view. I have had three powerful teachers who have all passed on, Chief Fools Crow, Chief Eagle Feather and Ben Black Elk the son of the famous Nick Black Elk of Black Elk Speaks. Their teachings abound throughout this book. My tribe has only been "In" under dominant society but a hundred years. We are the last of the big tribes to finally come in. Therefore we still have our language, culture, ceremonies and especially our Close-to-Nature Spirituality very much intact. Naturally, this book is Siouian based but there existed a strong commonality among the Northern Tribes. They definitely were an admirable, honest, honorable and fascinating people. Spiritual Character of the Native American, Our Seven Mother Ceremonies, Our Mother Earth Wisdom and how this wisdom can heal this Earth are the major topics of Mother Earth Spirituality which is presently in 16th printing! A Sioux Dictionary and Recommended Native Books is also at the end of the book.

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Native Wisdom

Native Wisdom : Perceptions of the Natural Way

by Ed McGaa, Rudolph Chasing Hawk, Mary McGaa

List Price: $15.00 Our Price: $12.00 save $3.00
Availability: This title usually ships within 2 - 3 days.
Paperback (May 1995) Four Directions Pub; ISBN: 0964517310

The author, Ed (Eagle Man) McGaa, January 25, 1997 Author's review responds to numerous questions directed by young Americans to an Oglala Sioux who has personally participated in his tribe's ceremonies and culture. There are many "Native" books out there but rarely are any written by an enrolled, registered tribal member who fought for the return of the old traditions as well as traveling with the holy people of the past. Native Wisdom opens the door to the real Native American cultural and working Spirituality. Forget the European mind-set and walk toward experienced knowledge. Observe the splendid world view accomplishments of a people with a strong Humanitarian and Earth Track Record. The Book begins with the Chapter- Who is God? The Indian's response is "I do not know! And, no one truthfully, really knows for sure." Creator is a Mystery but yet Its teachings are everywhere and very observable if we have the sense to look! IT (Great Mystery & not He or She) is evidenced through direct, undiluted observation. This Natural Way method led the people to Democracy, close family ties, disciplined yet freedom in living, and a viable Mother Earth for thousands of years!

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Rainbow Tribe :

Ordinary People Journeying on the Red Road.

by Ed McGaa, Eagle Man

List Price: $17.00 Our Price: $13.60 save $3.40
Availability: This title usually ships within 24 hours. Paperback - 272 pages 1 Ed edition (October 1992) Harper San Francisco; ISBN: 0062506110

Synopsis: The author of Mother Earth Spirituality relates the history of the Rainbow Tribe and shows readers how the Nature Way, described in detail in Mother Earth Spirituality, can be integrated into the seemingly incompatible lifestyles of today's urban and suburban dwellers. Ed McGaa, Eagle Man is an Oglala Sioux writer, lecturer, and ceremonial leader. From the Publisher This practical sequel to Mother Earth Spirituality outlines the history of the Rainbow Tribe, further explores the Native American teachings, and shows how they can be applied to contemporary life in our cities and suburbs.

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Eagle Vision

Eagle Vision : Return of the Hoop

by Ed McGaa

List Price: $18.00 Our Price: $12.60 You Save: $5.40

Availability: This title usually ships within 2-3 days. Paperback - 311 pages Four Directions Pub; ISBN: 0964517361

See the Friends of the Little Feather's latest newsletter for a special offer on this book....... You have to be a member though........ Ed McGaa is!

March 29, 2002: Latest : 'Friends of the Little Feather Center' membership information

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Black Elks Prayer and Vision

Black Elk's Prayer & Vision

by Ed McGaa

List Price: $10.95 Our Price: $8.76 You Save: $2.19

Availability: Usually ships within 2 - 3 days.

Audio Cassette Cassette edition (April 1998) Sounds True; ISBN: 156455564X

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