Come and join up for a cup of coffee and be our Friend!

Friends of the Little Feather Center

We have been asked for many years if we have a membership to the Center and we have always said 'No'. However recently so many people are asking us we have decided to offer one under a 'Friends' category.

The membership will be free.

A publication 'Wa-kin-yan', will be put on line for only the Friends to see, this will cover environmental issues as well as happenings at the Center, what's going on in Pipestone, the National Monument's latest news and anything that occurs at the quarries.

We offer no incentives to members of Friends, however we will give specials now and then which will be from 'Spirit of Peace Crafts', the powwow, and any other event we may put on down the line. We will also have an area where members can chat to each other. Membership is open world-wide.

Your membership will be taken care of by a committee of people, 'Wa-kin-yan' will be written by 'Natives of the Earth' writers, and published by Dragonfly Dezignz, both of these are also housed at the Center.

To apply please click on the link below.

Friends Application form

Thank you for your interest.

Chuck and Gloria



Pipestone story 1 Pipestone story 2 Rumors Catlinite Which stone do you want your Pipe made from? False Stone Quarries Latest on the False stone Why pay for Pipestone Pipestone Quarriers Guild
Derbys Spirit of Peace to obtain Pipes Pipestone Pipes The sacred Pipe Walk thru the Center Museum Powwow Wakinyan Visitors to the Museum
Frequently Asked Questions Pipestone
Theme Park
Council Circle Petroglyphs Shame at the Three Maidens Old Visitors to Pipestone Awards
& words
In Memory Squirrely
Latest flare up Edu-tainment Minnesota Tour Contacts Map to the Center Form Volunteers Books Condolences from Britain
History of family Chuck & Gloria in Europe Little Feather Center in UK Donations Workshops Pipe making instructions   Links Site map
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This site redesigned
January, 2005. Updated January 2005
Copyright: Gloria Hazell
1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003. 2004, 2005
All Rights Reserved.
This site is rated by the following organizations
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This site designed by
dragonfly Dragonfly Dezignz
Graphics by Gloria Hazell 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
or by the people listed below in which case copyright is theirs.

The logo was drawn by Solomon Derby and gifted to the Center for our use. Thank you Solomon.

poison logo
greasy grass logo
silverhawk's logo