There are various places in Pipestone where you can obtain a Pipe or Pipestone crafts. On this site we showcase those businesses are are dedicated to preserving the ancient art of quarrying and pipemaking by promoting the local Native people and enabling them to make a living through the marketing of the Pipestone items. These businesses also guarantee that their stone is the genuine Catlinite.
Little Feather Center a Dakota owned center in Pipestone. Promotes the Original Pipestone Dakota Community, and educates visitors to the web site or the actual Center about the Catlinite stone. Pipestone Dakota Community, This site shows the history of the PDC also photos of a number of the members. Pipestone Catlinite Quarrier's Guild This is for information for Quarriers who work only at the Pipestone Quarries. This Guild can show the public that these Quarriers have the authentic Catlinite from Pipestone, not the false stone. Pipestone Minnesota, A website to show the city of Pipestone created by our web designer
IMPORTANT Please take care of your Sacred Pipe, it is the life and soul of many Native American Cultures. Do not leave it on display once you have used it. It is an altar at that point, and each section should be wrapped separately, (preferably in red cloth) and stored away from prying eyes and hands.
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of this site is by Dragonfly-Dezignz 1997 - 2003 All Rights Reserved.