back from Windsong one day, I was lucky enough to behold a wonderful
sunset. At first it looked like any other, with no distinguishing
characteristics to it, then a large dark cloud formed above
the Sun and stayed there. As the brilliant orb slipped lower,
so the sky gave birth to a kaleidoscope of collective hues stretching
from the palest pink to the brightest cerise. As I wtched the
sky turn darker I also saw tiny sparks of red begin to dot the
cloud, gradually the sparks grew larger and materialized as
camp fires. I then saw the Ancient Ones sitting round these
fires, all people, all colors, all races, all sitting peacefully,
laughing, talking and passing their knowledge on to those who
wished to listen. the Gathering was to pay homage to Father
Sun who was retiring from this part of the world for a while.
As the fires became brighter I watched in wonder, as if I were
sitting there among them listening to the old Grand-parents
telling their tales and speaking their wisdom. I nodded and
smiled and the whole sky became one with the fires, flames grew
brighter, colors stronger and the music of sight was wondrous
to my eyes. the Sun moved slowly downwards and the fires blazed
with more intensity, the word drums became deafening and stories
reached a crescendo. Then laughter became stilled and hearts
became one, with the glory of the Creator's willingness to make
such brilliance for mere mortals to see and sometimes wonder
Tales at an end, Sun almost down, the fires burned themselves
out and along with them the cloud dissipated into a nothingness,
the Ancient Ones left too until the next time. When I came out
of the trance like reverie I looked around and color was surrounding
me, the sky was blushed with a rouge of rose, the snow on the
prairie was bathed with the glow of the almost sleeping Sun.
It was beautiful. Gradually, very slowly, the color left the
sky, until at one point a burst of red fused itself into the
picture - could it be that the retiree couldn't quite let go
of his hold? The horizon was laid with fireworks of color, a
grand finale to a superb display of nature, then the sky became
quietly dark and the nocturnal hours were finally passed over
to Grandmother Moon to care for, hers until tomorrow's dawn.
by Gloria Hazell © 1993