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A Romany design often used on caravans


Friends through the years

Some Biker friends who visited our Center. Doing a Pipe Ceremony with them and Chuck.

Almost at the same place with friends from town

At a Gathering In Illinois to the left is a Medicine Woman, Phylis, and on the right is the wife of one of the Presenters

At a Pow Wow in Illinois. The lady I am with made me a beautiful shawl. We kept in touch for years

My best friends at our wedding in the Center. 2010


Dragonfly @dragonflydezignz.50megs.com

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Other photos (in no particular order)

Me, in 2021, being presented with a Civic Award by the Mayor, for the Volunteer work I have done in the Community. This would normally have been given to me at a Ceremony but COVID was still ongoing and so he came to my home to give it to me. One of my proudest moments being recognised by my home town in England. I am at present writing a web site that will, I hope, become a book, about my home town which is known as a Roman town. I am doing a lot of research at present.

I was a volunteer at the local Museum for 11 years, until I resigned in April this year after my son had his foot amputated, and I felt I should spend my time making sure he was OK. He is btw! Very independent!

Dancing at a Dakota Wacipi (Pow Wow) with friends and relatives in Minnesota.
I stick out like a sore thumb!!

Doing a Pipe Ceremony with husband Chuck, our friend Jan and our Druid friend Maurice. This was at a Spiritual Gathering on the Isle of Wight in 2006. Check out the star above us and see the photo below further,

This was also on the Isle of Wight. when I told an interactive story for the attendees. As we had had our Handfasting Ceremony on the Island we visited there and did Gatherings quite a lot. I still did up until Covid hit the world.

Me going in to give a talk at Mankato University in Minnesota around 1998

Beads & Buckskins talk at a campground in Minnesota. I had done them previously alone but then asked Chuck if he would partner me, he did and so we did them together from then on. Around 1994. My Grand-daughter, Eagle, would end each program by singing 'Colours of the Wind' from Pocahontas! She always got a tumultuous reception and so we decided to end the talks with her. It was useless trying to speak after that!

Chuck and I were married over the Pipe in his Dakota way, and we had a hand-fasting Ceremony for my way, at a Standing Stone on the Isle of Wight in 1999. Our friend Jan organised everything for us. A Druid friend did the Ceremony for us. My son gave me away, and my grand-daughter Eagle was my hand maiden. This is finalising the hand fastening part. Jan and Robin, the Druid, are still my friends to this day. Sadly, neither the USA or the UK recognised this Ceremonial as being legal, so I could not stay in America. I would spend 3 months there and then come back to the UK for a few months before returning to MN for another 3 months! Chuck would visit me here in England sometimes so the separations weren't as bad.

In 2006, Chuck and I consecrated this Labyrinth in MN. It was, still is, at the back of a wonderful, peaceful garden that is in memory of children and family members of people who keep the garden tidy and add more plants every year. It was such an honour to be asked to do this. When Chuck passed in 2010 they put a paver there in his memory, actually quite close to where he is standing in this photo!

Those of us doing ceremony at the Labyrinth, each person behind me represented either air, fire, water or earth. The first two women are the people who had the idea for the garden and labyrinth. Chuck and a good friend Amy are at the back.

There's that Star again! (See above) Chuck and myself finishing a Pipe Ceremony in 2006. Our friend Nico took this photo and swears that he had no filters on the camera. So this star, is just there. It does look as if I am looking up at it but to my eyes there was nothing there. Amazing.

When I lived in New Jersey I became a member of the Fire Department. I learned to fight Fire. (second from the left). In contrast a number of years ago, Jan and I went to a Festival in Dorset, I believe, and I was bombarded with things to do with flames and fire. Although none were real, all to do with the music or the talks, or the people who spoke with me. I was invited to go to a Fire Festival in New Zealand for example! It was a turn around, Fire was now my ally, I no longer had to fight it, unless I had to!

What else have I been involved in?


Trees are a love of mine, I used to do a children's program and would show the kids how to hear the heartbeat of a tree. A Stethescope, a tree trunk, that's all is needed. It was always the most loved part of the program for both the kids and their parents. Left: Here a tree is sending it's blue healing power aura to my foot that I had recently broken. These trees were amazing, not a willow because of the trunks, they reminded us of 'Treebeard' from 'Lord of the Rings'

Below: Feeling the essence of a magnificent tree by the side of a road on the Isle of Wight. You can see where the limb had been cut off previously as it had gone over the road. It was a massive tree, that enjoyed my touch and my attention.

This amazing tree is at the top of Merlin's Mound, Marlborough. So you have to climb to the top to reach it, it was not easy with my foot! But what a wonderful being it was, well worth the difficulty!

My Spiritual friends on the Isle of Wight! 2019

Me in 2021 collecting a parcel at the door with one of my grandsons

Photos through the years!


Here I am in the middle as the English Rose, made by my mum from red crepe paper, I wore horrendous, thick, bottle green, tights as the stem of the rose and in my plaited hair were ribbons of red, white, and blue! I won first prize that was presented to me by a famous person of the day. Claud Dampier I believe was his name! This was a fancy dress competition and party for the Queen's Coronation in 1953.

On the right in third place was my cousin, as a Gypsy selling pegs. Neither of us knew at that time that we were also Gypsies. Although we had a caravan (Vardo) down the garden. It never dawned on me that we would be of Romany heritage. Why would it I was just a kid. I was told not to play in it... but when told not to... you know the rest!

On the left was a schoolfriend of mine, (this was a local competition by the way) again, who knew that much later in life I would marry a real Native American, a Dakota. I feel that this photo is very prophetic! I was 7 at the time, who knew? Spirit of course!!


This was when the River Thames froze over in the 60's. people were skating on the river. I just stood by and watched. The coat I was wearing was made from some type of plastic, probably good for warmer weather, but not in those freezing temperatures, It made a heck of a noise as I walked as it too froze! I didn't care though as it was the height of fashion! and I was a MOD!

Late 1960's/1970's

My first husband, with our baby girl of about 11 days old, she was very tiny only 5lb 7ozs at birth. This was in 1967. Our marriage lasted just over a year. The first blow to my perfect life. A learning challenge to help people down the line.

My second relationship lasted 6 years, but was an abusive experience. 2 boys came from that union, ('69 & '71) a lot of pain, physical and mental too. We lived in Scarborough, and that was the first time I met Spirit, in the form of Billy. I met him as a person, he came from Northern Ireland. Later I found out that he had died, and that's when a different relationship began. It's too long a story to tell here but suffice it to say that it too helped me in my later work.

Both of these partners passed away quite young.


Me in 1981, just before moving to America. I ran a hotline to combat child abuse at that time, from our home, along with a lot of other Volunteers who did the same thing from their home. We were the largest group, area wide, in the UK.

Once I got to America I worked again as a Volunteer, for the NJ branch of the same hotline. There I worked for a lovely lady who became a really good friend until she passed away last year. She was very Spiritual and so we got on like a house on fire. She taught me a lot about the US. When I became a National Board Member, alongside her, we travelled to many different places for meetings. Chicago, Alabama, DC, California, Virginia, were but a few. It was magical to me at that time seeing the different States.

By the time I left America for good in 2011 I had visited all of the Continental States. By car!

Myself alongside my friend I spoke of above at a National Meeting. I think this was in California as the big boss of the organization is standing just in front of us and it was based there. Probably about 1985! I look like a child eager to learn and not feeling too comfortable. As strange as it may sound she and I accepted Spirit helping us in a number of cases we had to deal with. I eventually moved to Minnesota, but worked alongside her on line again many years later. I still work on it's facebook page when needed.


Me, in the middle, at my grand-daughter's 'Naming Ceremony' in 1995. It was held in a beautiful glade in Minnesota where I lived at that time, and the Ceremony was conducted by my good friend Elizabeth who was a Reverend, my, (years later), Native American husband, and myself. She was given the name 'Eagle' after a vision that she had had a number of times. Eagle now lives with me, her Mum, (walking beside me,) and her Uncle (who is just behind us,) in England.

I did quite a long solitary drive through a couple of States in 1996. My husband of 20+ years and the father of my youngest son, and I divorced at that time and I needed to get away.

Among other Spiritual places, I visited on that trip alone was Sitting Bull's grave in South Dakota I smoked my pipe there. I asked someone to take a photo of me and this is that photo. I am holding my sacred Pipe bundle.

I also visited Bear Butte on that trip, a place I later visited many times, and actually had a Vision there in 2009.

2000 to 2011
Chuck and myself visiting the Netherlands to do talks and attend Gatherings. This one was in 2006, although we visited there quite a few times before and after this date.

Standing in a Crop Circle in Avebury. This was close to Silbury Hill. I have been in a few crop Circles over the years. Jan and I would go and visit, sometimes Eagle would come with me. They are amazing, strange, formations.

In a small Remembrance Garden in Mankato, MN. It is to remember the Dakota 38 who were hung in this spot in 1862. I am dropping tobacco offerings all around the area.
In 2008 I started to run a facebook group for those who wanted to honour the 38. A horse Ride is done by the Dakota every December, it lasts for 17 days.
2022: I still run the group with a few dedicated people that I asked to join me as Admins over the years. There are over 8,500 members now. This will be my last year.

Chuck and I in our Center, in 2009, we were being filmed for an educational DVD. In the top right corner is a Dakota woman, she was one of those affected by the 1862 history that I said about in the previous write up.

We got legally married in May 2010, at our Center with friends and family from all over. Our great longtime friend (Reverend) Elizabeth performed the wedding ceremony for us. She is peeping from behind us in this photo.
Chuck had cancer at this point and I was needed to care for him, so we decided that we would conform and get married. That way I could stay with him in our home and make sure that he was OK.
He passed away surrounded by his family, in my arms on August 7th. I miss him and his love and companionship to this day.

In 2021 Elizabeth passed away and her ashes are buried in the same grave where mine will eventually be, above Chuck's body.

After Chuck passed away, I decided to return to England and my family for good. However before I left I wanted to see the final States in the North West that I hadn't managed to get to in previous years. So I headed out in June 2011, on my own and drove to Montana, Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and back, taking in a few sights I hadn't been able to see on previous trips. Here I am at Devils Tower in Wyoming, actually taking a selfie! I also went to Yellowstone for a couple of days. Managed to see Old Faithful and a Moose, who decided to stop in front of me and just stare at me, I stopped of course, what else would you do with a Moose in front of you? He moved after a bit and ran down the embankment and into the trees. Both of our curiousities were extinguished I guess. I still think of him today, I wonder if he still thinks of me! Beautiful country out there!

The place where I had my vision at Bear Butte in 2009. I was with Chuck and our friends Nico from Holland, and Janine MN (Passed now) We all went our separate ways to pray. I was just standing right where I later took this photo, when all of a sudden I heard and felt a presence by my side. It was a small deer, I spoke to it, it listened and then walked back the way it had come along that pathway you can see, a deer run. When it got to the sort of crossroads, just above the date, it turned and looked back at me, and went up the deer run. Fine you may think.. well yes at that point it was. But here is where it gets strange. As it walked upward it changed into a different creature. A rabbit! A very large rabbit! I was so shocked that I could hardly breath. All I could do was watch it climbing that hill. I won't go into any more details of what it looked like. (If you want to know more do please email me.) Anyway behind this tree in front of us at the top of this hill is a smaller tree, about the size of the one you see on the right. The rabbit reached it, turned and looked at me and walked inside the tree. Now it was a big rabbit and a small trunked tree, yet it walked inside it and of course disappeared! I stood waiting for quite a while for it to come back out... it didn't. So at that point I went and found Chuck who was just finishing his Pipe Ceremony. I breathlessly told him what I had seen, I said I think I am going nuts... He just quietly said, 'You just had a vision...' When I eventually told Nico and Janine, they laughed at me, and I never heard the last of it! I went back to the same spot in 2011 on my final trip to Bear Butte before I left for England for good. Stood and waited, here at this place, for quite a while. But no deer and no rabbit appeared. I guess they had given me their message. I just needed to work out what it meant... Still waiting...

I am a Guild Member of:

I am also a web designer (since 1998) and can put all of the info from the readings on a personal web page for the querant.

© except for background,& SWA info. Dragonfly-Dezignz.com


I used to give talks about Princess Diana to Elder's homes in Minnesota in the 90's. I had an extensive collection of Diana Memorabillia, some of which you can see behind me in this photo. Elizabeth always came with me to help unpack everything, she then sometimes took photos of the items or me. The people always loved hearing about her, and even if they forgot other things they did not forget Diana!


My favourite People are the Avebury Stones, here I am at just a couple of them!

After a Pipe Awakenimg Ceremony at a Stone Circle in England (2000's)

Here I was, telling one of my stories to a hall full of high school kids. I got to the part where they were all supposed to hold hands... It embarrassed them as you can see, they laughed and giggled, and shook their heads waiting for me to continue... I didn't, I waited and then first one then another and another held hands, until they were all doing it.. I then continued the story.. which ended, ' And the Creator smiled at his Creations all getting along together'... I didn't know there was a reporter in the room until the next day when Elizabeth showed me the paper and there I was on the front page. Elizabeth got me this colour photo for my birthday that year!