Dakota Cultural & Educational Center Dakota Owned & Operated Little Feather Interpretive Center This Center has been around since 1988, when Chuck Derby decided a place was needed for the local Native American people to use and bought a run down, two room building, and renovated it. Through the years it has been used for ceremonies, funerals, celebrations, taco sales and many Native American meetings. For a few years in the 90's it was not being used for the purposes it was bought for and so Chuck decided to change the use of it to one of education. With his partner Gloria he began doing seminars, and talks both in the Center and at the clients own site. The Center soon grew in popularity and visitors came every summer from all over America and many places in Europe. In the past year we had people coming in from Australia, South America, Canada, Belgium, Germany, England, Netherlands, Austria and Japan. Quite a United Nations of visitors who have become friends. The slogan of the Center is 'Where you're only a stranger once!'
PAGES OF ITEMS IN THE MUSEUM: Photographs and other historic items. Site
constructed and designed by
Pipestone Spirit Designs |