Dakota Cultural & Educational Center Dakota Owned & Operated Summer Events
Storytelling Each summer there will be storytelling in the beige tipi on the Spirit of Peace Powwow Grounds in Pipestone. Stories old and new will be told for the young and the not so young, everyone is invited to join us in this annual event. Dates: (The last weekend in July is powwow weekend, so no story telling.)
Please check in at the Little Feather Center prior to going to the grounds - thanks Craft Displays These will also be at the Spirit of Peace powwow grounds, unless the weather is wet when they will be held at the Little Feather Indian Center in Pipestone. Crafts will be shown by Native and non-native people. Catlinite crafts will be demonstrated, and other western style crafts will be on sale. Beads & Buckskins This program has been presented since 1994, the same as the storytelling. Customized programs can be designed for groups of 10 or more, at your place or ours. There are many categories to chose from. If you are visiting the Museum for the day and would like a basic talk on the Dakota culture please let us know prior to your arrival so that we can have everything set up.
Original Pipestone Dakota Tiospaye present The 5th Annual Traditional Wacipi at the Spirit of Peace powwow grounds, Pipestone Last weekend in July every year. please click on the photo above for more details
constructed and designed by
Pipestone Spirit Designs |