No Guns On Sacred Pipestone National Monument Grounds

The Beauty of the National Monument

These photos are what you see at the Monument every day, why would anyone need a gun here?

The Three Maidens site where ceremony took place hundreds of years ago, and still takes place today. It is always quiet and peaceful here and now that the Hiawatha Pageant is no longer being performed it will stay that way.
Ice breaking away from the bank forms an ice boat on the Pipestone Creek that runs through the Monument
Pipestone Creek looking NW
Fall 2007
The Monument grounds in the fall of the year, golden and beautiful.


This is one of the quarries in winter, no work going on obviously, you can see the hoses which take the water from the quarry once the thaw sets in so that the quarrier can work.
Pipestone Creek looking SE
Fall 2007

A sweat lodge on the Monument grounds at sunset.

There are usually a number of lodges set up in this area especially at Sundance time.

Guns most certainly do NOT belong here.

Part of the red stone that makes up a part of the Monument trail. You can see the lichen growing on the rock.

This is Sioux Quartzite the same stone that the quarrier has to break through before reaching the Pipestone Catlinite. There are no quarries located near this area.


Pipestone Creek looking NW. - Summer 2000

And a River Runs Through It.

Pipestone Creek small waterfall

Summer 2000

As I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Sundown - Summer 2000
The 2 photos on the left were taken just before sunset, the coloring was lovely and the cloud formation beautiful. The one on the left was used for the Little feather Center's friends group logo
Echinacea growing wild at the Monument, This was taken in 2000 the prarie was particularly beautiful that year

The purple prairie in 2000
Fungi growing on an old tree close to the Creek 2007
Three Maidens in the summer
Lichen growing on the rocks on the trail


Left: Winnewissa Falls

Above: Sunset over the Creek

Below Left: The Cat rock

Below: A Rock Formation

Left: Sunset over the Creek

Above: Sunset on the trees

L: The old quarry quartz piles. R: Rocks along the trail.

Above: Sunset over the Sweat Lodge area


And They Flew Into the Sunset

Sunset forming a light angel

Prairie 2001

Rocks and Roses 2000

Sage ready for ceremony 2000

All photos copyright Gloria Hazell 2000 - 2008


All photos and text on this site is the copyright of Gloria Hazell. 1998 - date.