Alahandra - A Gathering of Spirit

This is a gathering place for all those interested in spiritual growth and healing. If anyone wishes to share their insights, experiences, and knowledge and/or has a question, please just e-mail Elizabeth.

What Has Been Helpful

John Bradshaw:
Any of his books, audio and video tapes. He deals with family structure, inner child work, family secrets, creating love, bringing your child home. In the audio and video tapes, hearing the emotions in his voice helps you to understand. Even better is an actual in person lecture and/or workshop. What he shares comes from his own life and in doing so, he connects with your feelings and allows them to emerge.

A selection of John Bradshaw items. By clicking on the item you are interested in you will be taken to it at Amazon where you can buy it online.

The following items are intensive workshops on audio CD's. They are quite expensive but well worth the money. Again from Amazon

6 hour intensive workshop

Where are you Father?

1 hour 30 mins mini workshop

Surviving Divorce

6 hour intensive workshop


Adult Children of Disfunctional families


Fr. Anthony DeMello:
"The Prayer of the Frog", "One Minute Wisdom
". Ones I use all the time are "The Song of the Bird" and "Taking Flight". A student of Anthony DeMello -- Carlos G. Valles, S.J. -- wrote a book called "Mastering Sadhana, Anthony DeMello". This book literally fell off the shelf in the bookstore to get my attention. The other books are books of parables that help you to ponder what is really important.

A selection of Anthony DeMello books. By clicking on the book you are interested in you will be taken to it at Amazon where you can buy it online.


I have found there are more movies being made that give you entertainment but also deeper meanings to life. Robin Williams' movies like Bicentennial Man, What Dreams May Come. Movie called "Contact". Another one I use in groups is "My Life" starting Michael Keaton. It is about letting go of anger from the past. How holding on to the anger affects your life. And how letting the anger go can free you.

A selection of movies on DVD. By clicking on the movie you are interested in you will be taken to it at Amazon where you can buy it online.


If you would like to share what books, workshops, etc. have been inspirational, life changing in your journey, please email Rev. Elizabeth and she will include your information on this section.






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