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Reports of Injuries in Switzerland from 5G
The first
reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland,
where 5G has been launched in 102 locations. The weekly
French-language Swiss magazine LIllustré
interviewed people living in Geneva after the 5G rollout
with alarming details of illness. In their article,
With 5G, We Feel Like Guinea Pigs, posted July 18, 2019,
they report neighbors met to discuss their many common
symptoms and many unanswered questions.
Update 8/15/19
5G: Its
Legal but Not Safe
As soon as
the antennas were installed, several residents and entire
families in the heart of Geneva reported similar unusual
symptoms of loud ringing in the ear, intense headaches,
unbearable earaches, insomnia, chest pain, fatigue and
not feeling well in the house. 29-year-old Geneva resident,
Johan Perruchoud, called up Swisscom and was told that
indeed the 5G cell towers were activated on the same
day he began to feel the symptoms. When others called
Swisscom they were told everything is legal and within
Physician Denounces 5G and Calls for a 5G Moratorium
Dr. Bertrand
Buchs, who has also called for a 5G moratorium, states
he has seen more and more patients with similar symptoms.
He notes, In this case, our authorities are going
against common sense
we risk experiencing a catastrophe
in a few years
no serious study exists yet, which
is not surprising when we know that this technology
was developed in China, then to the United States. In
Switzerland, we could open a line for people who feel
bad, listen to these complaints and examine them. Our
country has the means and the skills. The debate must
be launched because the story is not about to end.
Millions of Fast Connections
states, 5G will create new opportunities for
residential customers and businesses across Switzerland.
5G is the new mobile communication standard for digitisation,
enabling the extremely fast connection of millions of
devices, things and people. Will those millions
of fast connection enable communication, or instead
disable people from communicating due to illness?
Dear Diary:
Loud Humming, Lots of Pain, Nausea, No Sleep
These stories
parallel that of Anne Mills, author of All EMFd
Up, who suffered wireless radiation poisoning
in Germany when her husband was stationed there for
work. She wrote a diary with identical symptoms of those
in Geneva. As noted in the Swiss magazine LIllustré
article, her concerns, like those in Geneva, were dismissed.
She consulted with German physician, Dr. Horst Eger,
to confirm her symptoms were that of microwave illness
seen in military radar personnel and those working on
microwave towers. All EMFd Up (Electromagnetic Fields):
My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning and
How You Can Protect Yourself. (2019)Anne Mills
Illness In Cuban and Chinese Diplomats is Microwave
The New York
Times and CBS reported unexplained symptoms in diplomats
living in China and Cuba in 2017 and 2018. The source
was found to be microwave radiation. UC San Diego Professor
of Medicine, Dr. Beatrice Golomb, published an article
in Neural Computation in September 2018, discussing
the symptoms of the diplomats living abroad. The symptoms
that diplomats and their families experienced, i.e.
sleep problems, headaches, strange auditory sounds,
anxiety and dizziness were similar to those with microwave
illness reported in military
studies from pulsed microwave radiation. See also
news articles below
Diplomats Likely Hit by Microwave Weapons. Sept
4, 2018
Diplomats in China Suffer Brain Trauma from High
Powered Microwaves. March 20, 2019
in Sacramento, California Experiencing Symptoms
After 5G
towers were installed in a Sacramento neighborhood,
a family began to experience generalized health issues,
including headaches. This was such a concern that the
father set up a website
and petition to gain support for halting 5G expansion.
Sacramento was one of the first
in the U.S. to permit 5G cell towers, with health concerns
being raised well before the towers were in place. The
question remains about exactly what frequencies of radiation
and what levels of radiation are emitted by these neighborhood
5G cell towers which reportedly will use 4G frequencies
as well. Should there be independent testing?
in Prison Hunger Strike to Stop Headaches from Phone
An article
from the Palestinian News Network reported on headaches
in prisoners in Israeli Jails when phone jammers were
turned on and boosted the levels. There have been many
recent reports of severe headaches in prisoners in a
variety of jails associated with phone jammer operations.
Dozens of prisoners have been on a hunger strike for
14 days now. These symptoms are backed up by research
by many, including J Wang et al (2017) who published
their article, Mobile
Phone Use and The Risk of Headache: A Systematic Review
and Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies, in
Nature magazine. The comprehensive meta-analysis of
studies linking cell phone radiation to headaches showed
positive findings in the robust studies. He concluded
that mobile phone use may increase the risk for headache
. He notes, In Stalins study and Chius
study the prevalence of MP[mobile phone] usage among
adult and children was 69.8% and 63.2% respectively
in their study population, He warns that, It
is imperative that health care professionals, clinicians
and common people are educated about the deleterious
influence of MP [mobile phone]on headach. And it is
reasonable to instruct children and adolescent about
a prudent use of MPs. A new study by (Movahedi
Short-term exposure to mobile jammer radiofrequency
radiation adversely affects the human hearing reveals
hearing loss in a significant number of medical students
tested after only one hour of exposure.
Many Others
Suffer Microwave Illness/Electrosensitivity
It is reported
that 3% to 30% of the population have symptoms similar
to Microwave illness or electrosensitivity, depending
on the reporting country and if mild to severe symptoms
are reported.
Dr. Scott Eberle describes
how a physician learned about his own electrosensitivity
published originally in 2014 in the Sonoma Medicine
and later reprinted in the Santa Clara County/Monterey
County Medical Association Bulletin. You can read Dr.
Scott Eberles Whats
the Diagnosis, Doctor? He has also written An
Underworld Journey: Learning to Cope with Electromagnetic
Hypersensitivity. Dr. Scott Eberle. Ecopyschology.9(2):106-111,
June 2017.
Writer Alison Main
has documented her experience in developing electrosensitivity
and her frustration at being more isolated from other
people and wireless technology she would like to use.
When the Modern World Hurts
Alternatives to Wireless Networks
to premises and cabled networks are safe and just as
fast as 5g. Considering that the 5G networks will depend
on a backbone of fiberoptic cables it makes sense to
bypass the 5G wireless towers for these cabled alternatives.
See Reinventing
Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks and
Safe 5G:
A Safe Alternative to Harmful 5G Wireless at
See Also
5G Scientific Literature:
PST Electrosensitivity Stories.
PST Electrosensitivty Science.
PST Review of Electrosensitivity:
1 Overview
2 Relevant Scientific Evidence
3 A Clinical Approach to EHS
PST Scientific
Literature on Cellular and Biological Mechanisms of
Wireless Radiofrequency Radiation.
In the early days
when the Internet or World Wide Web was new to
us all. A personal computer was large and clunky
and getting on line took ages and made lots of
noise. Everything you wrote had to be limited
as we were charged for space on a server, and
we usually only stayed on for as long as we could
afford. Computers had only about 2 MB, in their
memory, 5 MB if you were lucky so Graphics were
unheard of at the start. Then eventually people
wanted more and so getting on line and getting
and using the space was easier. Servers such as
Geocities were a wonder to behold, and so many
of us were on there making our web sites, most
were really bad but at least we were trying.
I took courses
to become a web designer, which I still do today
at 73 years old. It was an interesting time to
be alive, seeing the world change in almost an
Today computers
are slim, you can get different types, this one
is what we called a Personal Computer, a PC, we
can also get laptops, and tablets and even access
the internet on our sleek amazing mobile phones!
However to use these wonders of today we still
need to get access to the Internet and no longer
have to use our noisy telephone lines as we used
to. Things are fast, quiet and you can reach people
all over the world using different resources on
the computer via the Internet, such as Skype,
where you can see the person you are talking to
in real time, no matter where they are. Totally
amazing in around 25 years. However the people
of today want something faster, and so now comes
the 5th generation or 5G, a techy thing that will
bring us closer even faster. What is faster than
straight away I wonder? With this technology comes
danger to us though, through our health. Read
all of these pages that are linked here to learn
News and
Research Articles
With 5G, We
Feel Like Guinea Pigs or Avec la 5G, nous
nous sentons comme des cobayes. Translated easily
into English with google translator.
Side Effects of living near 5G towers in Geneva Switzerland
Microwave Weapons Are Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S.
Embassy Workers. Doctors and scientists say microwave
strikes may have caused sonic delusions and very real
brain damage among embassy staff and family members.
Sept 1, 2018.William J. Broad.§ion=Health
Diplomats in China report similar brain injuries as
Americans in Cuba in 2016 and 2017,25 Americans in the
U.S. embassy in Cuba suffered serious, unexplained brain
injuries. Now, at least 15 American officials in China
are reporting similar symptoms. 60 Minutes reports.
March 15, 2019.
Researcher links diplomats mystery illness to
radiofrequency/microwave radiation. Eureka alert. August
29, 2018. American Academy for the Advancement of Science.
Diplomats Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/
Microwave Radiation. Golomb BA. Neural Computation.
2018 Sep 5:1-104.
EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis
and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illnesses
gives an overview of the current knowledge regarding
EMF-related health risks and provides recommendations
for the diagnosis, treatment and accessibility measures
of EHS to improve and restore individual health outcomes
as well as for the development of strategies for preventionor
or EMF
Are community concerns over the 5G network rollout
based on unfounded anxiety or valid evidence?
Guest Blog from Dr. Don Maisch, Australia. Between a
Rock and a Hard place. April 25, 2019.
The Prevalence of People With Restricted Access to Work
in Man-Made Electromagnetic Environments. Bevington
M. Journal of Environment and Health Science. January
18, 2019.
Prevalence of self-reported hypersensitivity to electric
or magnetic fields in a population-based questionnaire
survey. Hillert L et al. Scand J Work Environ Health.
2002 Feb;28(1):33-41.
Changes of Clinically Important Neurotransmitters Under
the Influence of Modulated RF Fields- A Long-term Study
Under Real-life Conditions. (2011) Buchner K and Eger
Research articles by Dr. Horst Eger.
Top Scientific Articles
on Effects of Non-Ionizing Wireless Radiation
Oxidative mechanisms
of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency
radiation. (2016) Yakymenko et al. Electromagn Biol
Med. 2016;35(2):186-202.
Final National Toxicology (NTP) Report 2018. NTP TECHNICAL
Peer Review March 26-28, 2018. NIH.
For summary and other links go to NTP Study on Cell
Phones and Cancer.
Comments on the US National Toxicology Program technical
reports on toxicology and carcinogenesis study in rats
exposed to whole-body radiofrequency radiation at 900
MHz and in mice exposed to whole-body radiofrequency
radiation at 1,900 MHz. (2019)Hardell and Carlberg.
Int J Oncol. 2019 Jan;54(1):111-127.
Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and
the Risk of Miscarriage: A Prospective Cohort Study.
(2017) Dr. De Kun Li et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 13;7(1):17541.
Radiations and male fertility. (2018) Kesari KK et al.
Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2018 Dec 9;16(1):118.
EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for the prevention, diagnosis
and treatment of EMF-related health problems and illness.
(2016) Belyaev I. Rev Environ Health. 2016 Sep 1;31(3):363-97.
Electromagnetic Interaction Between Environmental Fields
and Living Systems Determines Health and Wellbeing.
(2013) Electromagnetic Fields: Principles,
Effects. Dimitris Panagopoulos ©2013. Nova Science
Publishers, Inc.
A Review of the Ecological Effects of Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Fields (RF- EMF). (2012) Environment
International. Cucurachi et al. 51C:116-140 ·
December 2012.
Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile
phone base stations.(2016) Science of the Total Environment.
Vol 572. /Dec 2016. Pg. 554-569.
5 G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health
and environmental implications. (2018) Russell CL. Environmental
Research. Volume 165. August 2018. Pages 484-495.
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. (2018)
Pall ML. Environmental Research. Volume 164. July 2018.
Scientific Compendiums and International Policies
on Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)
Bioinitiative Report
(2019 update)- A scientific compendium and rational
for biologically based exposures to low intensity electromagnetic
radiation to protect public health.
Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific AdvisoryAssociation.
(2015) Independent database of all peer-reviewed studies
and articles to the science relating to electromagnetic
radiation and human exposure. Australia.
International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC Classifies
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic
to Humans. (2011)
The potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and
Their Effect on the Environment. (2011) The European
Council Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1815- May
Russian National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection 2008 report.
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health
of Canadians. Report of the Standing committee on Health.
Planetary electromagnetic pollution: it is time to assess
its impact.(2018)Carpenter DO and Bandara P. The Lancet
Planetary Health. Dec 1, 2018. Volume 2, Issue 12.
International Association of Firefighters Division of
Occupational Health Safety and Medicine. Position on
Health effects from radiofrequency/Microwave (RF/MW)
Radiation in Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations
for Antennas and Towers. 2011.
Physicians for Safe Technology. Executive Summary and
Scientific Research.
Something I personally
thought was interesting was this statement from SwissCom:
'One of the core concerns is the number of extra
antennas that will needed 5G can only transmit
short distances one reportedly every 10 to 12
So I wondered how will
they get the amount of antennas that are needed? I remember
someone saying last year to me that our street lamps
have antenna, and so I looked at the one outside my
house and sure enough there is a short antenna on top
of the light. Now is that for the actual internet service
we have now or just to make the lights come on and go
off at a certain time? Also will the 5G access those
as the distance will be right amount in most places?
I will have to look into it more. Food for thought!
Power Sources
Plastic Waste