Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride 2021
December 22nd

Prayer for Today

My prayers to all riders, their horses and supporters. May the Creator watch over you and protect all on the way to Mankato.
I bow with respect to everyone for their sacrifice and commitment.
I wish you all a lot of strength and safe travels.
My prayers and thoughts are with you
Mitakuye Oyasin

Silvie Diet

This is one of our early young Riders, Deanna, who rode with her Dad Richard for a number of years.
I just managed to get the book that she wrote about her experiences on the Ride.
It is called Thirty Eight and is by Witko, and Tawa M. Her mother helped her to write it.
I of course haven't yet had time to read it, but I have heard that it is pretty good. You can get it on Amazon if you are interested.

Left) Deanna as a tiddler! in 2013, and (right) a few years later still riding in the snow and cold!

Talking of early Riders, I see we have an original one riding this year. Lee Ann, who did actually ride alongside Deanna! I noticed her peeping out of one of Ron's compilations.

Lee Ann this year

Lee Ann in 2013

Good to see you back young lady!

The Ride will go 17 miles to Fort Ridgely today. A total of 276 miles

Jeepero Vega
Muchas Bendiciones (Many Blessings )
Val Roberts Breczinski
Sending love. And safe ride
Cheryl Frances Sigler
Angel Wilson
Prayers Up
Constance Kieso
Your courage is remarkable and outstanding. Prayers for safety and warmth, and better weather.

Mike Belanger
Prayers Rising

Elaine L Bear
Prayers for all the brave and dedicated loving relatives. Wopila for your sacrifice
Cheryl Frances Sigler
Thank You for Sharing. This moves me to see the Journey at its Peak and withstanding the elements. MUCH NEEDED PRAYER* and RESPECTS*
Lois Coriell
Oh my...prayers for safety!
Michele J Dragas
Warm prayers being sent for safety going forward for all involved.

Carol Louise
Prayers up...Tobacco down

Christina Shipley Towdapita
Oh My, Bless your alls hearts. Praying for your safety & health
Carole Bubar-Blodgett
Ho, I remember those winds ~ smoke and prayers for all out there today, horse and riders are truly one ?? ~ thanks to the support vehicles for blocking traffic and wind gusts.
Tesa Siverhus-Maus
prayers for safety, thank you for this
Polokatt Kleiber
Prayers for both the Riders and horses and the support crew
Audrey Haas
Prayers for all of you and animals in safe travels
Angela Eashappie
Prayers for all of you and for our four legged brothers and sisters safe travels
Wanda R ComesFlying

Photo © Ben Stoterau

Ron's Compilation for Day 11.
(All of his Compilations will be on a separate web page at the end of the Ride)

A horse with a traditional face covering... Or is it to protect himself from Covid?!!!

Laurel Robinson
Dang, cold winds chill to the bone. Stay safe!
Laurie Costa
Great respect for the riders and horses as they navigate through such brutal weather. Prayers for their safety, strength and good health.
Pam Becker
It was a brutally cold wind today! Hope everyone is ok and will be warm tonight! Excited to see you all in Courtland on the 24th!! Safe ride. hearts
Cheryl Belgarde
Prayers for horses and riders for a safe ride
Cheryl A. Keller
Please stay safe!! I am glad to see the little horse is still going strong. Sending prayers for a safe ride.
Christina Shipley Towdapita
I can honestly say I do not miss that freezing, bone chilling, cold of South Dakota winter winds & weather. It hurt my bones from my Lupus so bad.. One can see here in this video exactly why those rugged South Dakota horses from the plains are so valuable. A regular horse would not have the endurance or the ability to withstand such a rugged environment or temperature. Prayers fir all for a safe journey ;)
Jill Tate
Prayers for safe ride
Julie Siestreem
Michele J Dragas
Prayers Up

Kerri Jacks
Oh my! Sending strength

Patty Pennington
Prayers for their safety
Mary Louise Kreiser
Be safe
Bertha Brown
Prayes Up
Laurie Costa
Prayers that everyone remains safe and warm today during such harsh weather.
Patti Wells French
Debbie Sipes Blackwell
Prayers for all.

Fort Ridgely

The Riders will be staying at the Courtland Community Center,
300 Railroad St.
The Horses will be at Courtland Farm
Hay has been donated by the Mankato Saddle Club

There will be a Continental Breakfast at the Redwood Lodge
Lunch will be with the Chuck Wagon
Dinner will be supplied by Marilyn His Day in Courtland at 5 pm.

Thanks to all who have helped in the area.

Mitakuye Owasin

Meet up day
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
& Answers
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Boarding Schools
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