Protection of Ceremony: Cheyenne Seek to Change Freedom of Religion Act

To: Arvol Looking Horse “no address available“ please forward.

I have thought long and prayed hard to know what to do about your proclamation. I first read your proclamation two weeks ago, and much of my time since thin has been in prayer. What I read disturbed me greatly, and sliced into the mixed bloods of man again. I submit to you my thoughts with love for you.

Monday, May 12, 2003 1:17:02 PM
A Response to the Arvol Looking Horse Proclamation,

With all due respect to the keeper of the most Sacred Pipe, Arvol Looking Horse.
I, Grandfather RedWolf, humbly submit this writing.

Mitakuye Oyasin I am called Grandfather RedWolf.
I am a documented, un-carded, un-registered mixed blood descendent of a Native American Indian Full Blood. My recent ancestors walked the "Trail of Tears".
I am of the Quin blood line of the Western Cherokee.
I am a Disabled American Viet Nam era Veteran.
I served in the US Air Force from 1969 to 1973.
I have a PhD in Religion.
I am your brother.

As you can see here at the very beginning that I come from a people that have always been abused and taken advantage of. and that is the Documented, Un-carded, Un-registered, Mixed Blood Indians of this continent. Because of this mixed blood we are disliked by the White as well as the Indian blood in us. I have however noticed that if we (the mixed bloods) are busy doing something to advance the well fare and standing of the Full bloods (Red or White), then we are an accepted people. It is getting old being accepted only because something is wanted from you. It is when we attempt to advance our Mixed Blood heritage that we become not good enough for any of our full blood relatives (White or Red).

Mitakuye Oyasin
I am beginning to wonder if all the people have forgotten what that means. I was taught long ago that those words mean "we are all related - we are all relatives. I do this for all my relatives. I care for all things of Creation for all things are related to me". Now I read that you have decided to tell some of your relatives that they can not have a spiritual life for you and a few others have decided to forbid it.

We have had a tiospaye here in the South Eastern United States since 1992. We have never charged one penny or passed around a collection plate, or asked for donations of any kind from anyone since we began here 11 (eleven) years ago. Our services are free to all people. The proper offering of sage, sweet grass, or tobacco is always given. The pipe carriers here, that anyone listens to, made their pipes with their own hands with files and manual hand drills. I agree it is not something to buy if it is to have any power, for the carrier gives his power to the pipe and becomes a part (an extension) of his pipe. It is the carrier that makes the pipe a good thing or a bad thing.

I am just an old man, a nobody. Here in my last days I am suppose to be wise, but it is difficult to be wise when the entire world is going to war about things that we do not have any right to war over.

Most people don't realize that they can take care of their own Spiritual life. They really do not need us or anyone else to talk to Creator. The people do not understand that they are responsible for their relationship to the Great Mystery. It must be a private, personal relationship with our Master, or we have no relationship to It at all. The people, not knowing, do not live and care for their own private spiritual life. They do not make their own spiritual decisions. They do not take care of spiritual things. Instead, because of not knowing, the people look to others to tell them what to do. They look to others to tell them about Wakan Tanka, Budda, Christ, God, or whatever they call their Creator.

I, or no one else, can tell the people what Creator is. I, or no one else, can tell the people how to relate to this Great Oneness. I can only show my people how I relate to It. I can only tell them of my life, that I was given, and let them look and see how It relates to me.

As a human, I do not have the right or the authority to sit here or stand there and tell another, "you are not equal to me, so I will judge you and all people like you. I am greater than you, so I will condemn your spirit even though I do not know you. I am blessed more than you because of the color of my skin, so I will judge you because you can't do things as I do, or speak my language. I am better than you so this Creator will not listen to you because you are a Mixed Blood or all White." We are supposed to lead our people in a good spiritual way, if that is at all possible, when we travel into our last years

Now it seems that will no longer be possible because it appears that a Spiritual War is going to be declared by a few against the majority of mankind. I do not presume to be a wise man, just an old one. As an old man I say to you, " I know that all paths (religions and ways of life) that lead to this Great Mystery are supposed to be open and free to all the people. It does not matter what path it is." I am sure you disagree with me after reading your proclamation, but that is alright. I do not have to agree with you, in order to love you. So, I love you even though we disagree.

I know there are some that have done things in a way we would not want them to do, but there are those that walk upon this Sacred Path in a Sacred Manner. I say to you, "do not turn your back to them." You may not know them, and apparently have never seen them, but they are here. They are every where. Like the invisible mixed blood, they do exist. So there might not be many of any race that walk upon this sacred path in a good way, but we were never given any guarantees that there would be many. We can only give to the people (all people) the gifts that Creator gave to us to give to them. We give the instructions that they need.

What the people do with those Spiritual gifts, the people must answer for. As long as we (you and I ) keep ourselves in line, as long as we do things in a good way, as long as we do not judge, then we can lead our people by example, for they will see us and our lives. Isn't that the best way?

The people change when they come here. They are shown a way, and it is my old way, with my old songs, to talk with this Creator, their God. Talking to Creator is a first time experience for some, for most have never really had a relationship with their Creator. This is because many are Spiritually asleep, and when they make that first real contact with Creator, it is a jolt into their life which brings joy, peace, balance, happiness, and understanding. These same people may go out and abuse this gift they receive, but they will be judged by one far greater than I. So it is with you. Judgment is reserved for our Creator. No human has the right or authority to judge another.

If we continue doing things right, then the people that are truly walking in a Sacred Manner will show up where they are supposed to be, when they are supposed to be there. It may not be the Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Methodist, Catholic, Baptist people, but a mixture of all the people. A mixture from every walk of life. We do not know. I do think that is the only way we can avoid this type of racist approach and attempts at ethnic cleansing which is prejudicial and disrespectful against man kind.

If we continue to give these Spiritual Gifts away, it will be these Spiritual Gifts that will find their way to those that are meant to walk in a Sacred Manner. We do not have to wonder if these Spiritual Gifts have hit their mark, for we know they will. These that walk in a Sacred Manner will come home and they will not charge for Ceremony, and they will not buy Pipes, and they will not drive by the sweat lodge on there way to the Casino, and they will not hate their relatives, and they will not judge one another.

I understand the things you say for I have seen people charging for Spirituality. I know pipes are sold. You can pick up a catalog or go to almost any pow wow and buy a pipe. You can go to almost any pow wow, or even the Crazy Horse Monument Gift Shop ( I was there last April), and buy a CD or tape of the Sacred Songs. Tapes of the Sacred Songs have been sold since the early 1990's. I can go into almost any book store and buy a copy of a book that will give enough instructions on doing the Sacred Rites, that anyone could do an Inipi. I understand what you mean by the Sacred Ways being abused, but have you not done your job as I have done mine? You are doing as you were instructed long ago when you give Spiritual Gifts to the people. Have we all not done this?

It is good that the Native American Indian People benefit form the sale of these books and tapes and CD's, for they are the authors and performers of these things. I read one of these books a few years ago. It was written by a young Oglala man. I don't know if he is young, his picture looked young to me. He said he is a lawyer I think. His name is "Eagle Man". I read his book called "Mother Earth Spirituality". In the very beginning of his book he talks about relatives, the interconnected of all things, and much more about what Creator wanted us to be. I agree with this "Eagle Man" 100%. Young man or no young man, I find him a wise man. I also find in his words a love for all people. What the White Buffalo Calf Woman has done for the Sioux people, this man has done for all mankind of the modern age. What this Christ did for his people, Eagle Man has done for all the people of the nation of the four colors (America).

The White Buffalo Calf Woman gave you information so that you could choose the path you would walk. She does not make anyone walk on this Sacred Path, for we choose the path we walk. Some walk in a Sacred Manner upon this Sacred Path, some do not. Some are Traditionalists, some are not. Some do, and take part in, ceremony, some do not. So this Eagle Man gave spiritual information to many of the people of the four colors through this book, and this has helped many find this Sacred Path. I know that other books of this nature and content have been written by other American Indian people about Sacred Rites. Eagle Man is the one I read because I was told he had good words in it, and he does. His words are not just of the ceremonies, but of our relationship to one another, the Earth, and our Creator.

As I said in the beginning, I am just an old documented, un-carded, un-registered mixed blood man that is a descendent of an American Indian Full Blood. My people here, and I call them my people because I am the oldest, walk a Sacred Path. With all due respect to you and your council, my people are honorable people. Yes their Sacred Path has rocks on it that can cause them to fall, but these are the lessons they and I need in our lives. We stumble, but we do not quit, we do not stop, we do not give up, but most important we do not allow others to tell us how to relate to our Creator. We know that we as individuals are responsible and accountable for what we do. We know that this Creator has placed us on this path, not some man.

My people are a strong spiritual people. Maybe they can not do ceremony as you do them. Maybe they can't speak fluent Lakota. Are you telling me that Creator only understands the Lakota Language? Maybe they don't carry around Eagle feathers. Are you telling me that Creator only sees the Eagle, but ignores the mouse in the tall grass that sustains the Eagle? You few are the only ones that have such a narrow view of Creator and It's Creations. I know a Christian group that also believes that Creator hears prayers only from their building. It seems that every one else knows that Creator speaks all language, at all times, in all places. I have a hard time believing that all the world is lost because it does not speak the Lakota Language and does not possess Eagle feathers.

Ceremony only prepares us so that we may speak to the Creator. This is true in the Christian Churches as well as all other ways of life. Ceremony is preparation - not the actual speaking to Creator. This Eagle Man I spoke of earlier is a Viet Nam veteran, so I lean toward his words and teachings as many Viet Nam Vets would. In his book that I read, he told people how to have structure to their Spiritual Life. He gave them instructions on going out alone and praying in private, so that they could become one with this Great Oneness through connecting again to Mother Earth. He gave them secrets that organized religions do not have about their relationship to this Earth. This causes me to respect him even more. Some people, I am sure, took this information he gave and found Creator which then became a big part in their life.Other people apparently took this information and abused it. For the one that abuses it, there are many that use it in a good way to help them live a better life.

One other thing I remember about this Eagle Man's book that touched my heart. Close to the end of this book, Eagle Man tells the people if no one comes to show you these things then take my instructions and follow your heart. I promise you that this man with this one book has reached many. Many that Eagle Man does not even know. If anyone ask me if there is a book they can read to help them with their Spiritual life, I always refer them to this book of Eagle Man's that I have read. One can not see all the people when one restricts oneself to a reservation and limits oneself to minister only to the reservation people. There are just as many Sacred People in the rest of the world as there are on the reservations.

I have read your proclamation which I find judges and condemns all other races and colors of the world, especially the white people. You use the word "WHITE" in your proclamation in the most vulgar way. Your words of the white part of the medicine wheel are of hate. How can you speak in such a way?

With all due respect to the keeper of the Most Sacred Pipe, my people and I will continue to do all the things we do, for they are our ways. Long ago, the Sacred Rites you speak of were forbidden by this Government to be practiced by anyone. These Rites were taken out into the wilderness, in secret, to keep them alive. Everyone that did this knew that one day everything would be alright, for they were smart enough to see that everything changes. Nothing ever remains the same. Life, and the things of life, are always changing. I pray that I will not have to take my people out into the wilderness, in secret, so that they may speak to their Creator. If we must, then we will hide in the wilderness as our ancestors did, and we will do our ceremonies in secret, and we will keep our ways alive until the time of freedom from religious persecution arrives.

I know, just as my people know that nothing remains the same forever, everything changes. I pray everyday for guidance. I pray not only for myself, but especially for you and the other leaders of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota nations. We would hope that you would pray for us each day so that we may one day all finally become brothers, sisters, relatives. On that day the words "Mitakuye Oyasin" will not be just words, but a reality of relations for all lives of all the people. The American Indian wars ended long ago. Is it not the time we stop living in the past? Stop living that war? Is it not time for all of us to get on with life? It is time to stop the hate of the white people which is easily seen in your proclamation.

I know I do not have the right to ask anything of you, but I do hope you will consider my request. There are many Indian children in the juvenile correctional institutions in the state of South Dakota. I know because my grandson was in Custer Correctional Facility. These young people need their spiritual leaders. All you have to do is call and the facility will let you come and do ceremony with these Indian children. These children want and need spiritual leaders and direction. Many of these reservation children have never had such direction, or even been in ceremony. If we truly want to save our people, shouldn't we start by educating our children? You have the perfect opportunity to help these young ones. They are a captive audience. They can not leave. Many of these reservation children are ready and willing to listen, but someone has to speak. I live 1,500 miles away and it is hard for me to continue ministering to these children. You are only a few miles away and you are rightfully their spiritual leader. Why are you not there for these children? I know from experience that these children would love for a spiritual leader to came and visit with them and teach them. You would have to call and schedule your visits. At present they are forced into Christianity, because no Indian Spiritual leaders tend to the spiritual needs of these children. Just go talk to them. Teach them about the Sacred Path. Just one visit from a spiritual leader would change the lives of many of these children, but I must warn you that almost all of these children are mixed blood reservation Indian children. I hope that does not make a difference. If it does make a difference then we are out of balance, not the rest of the world or the White People, but we spiritual leaders.

There is one young man out there locked up, but I do not know where they have him. His name is John Milk. I was writing to him. He is so hungry for family's ways, and for someone to teach him where and how to find spiritual food. I met him in November when I last went to Custer Correctional Center. He is a good boy, but again you must accept and deal with one of your own mixed blood children. Will you do that? Can you be a big enough man to accept this mixed blood child of your own people, and love and teach them all as you do your full blood relatives?

Doesn't it make sense that if you want things done a certain way then you teach the children the way you think is right? I understand that things and people have gotten mixed up. Isn't this where the starting point should be is with our children (all of them-full and mixed). That is exactly what goes on here. The children (all of them) are part of everything we do. We teach our children not to drink or do drugs, for we do not drink or do drugs. We set the example. We teach our children not to hate. Do not hate full blood red people. Do not hate mixed blood people. Do not hate yellow people. Do not hate black people. Do not hate white people. Originally, these were the four colors of the medicine wheel, which are the four colors of man. Now, because we want to hate, we have changed the colors of the medicine wheel.

I will leave you with these final thoughts. When my grandson was in Custer Correction Center, I called the commander there. He let me send a video tape so that my grandson could have his spiritual food. He also let all the other boys see it. They have asked me to send more. I visited there in November of last year and met many of these young reservation mixed bloods. I live 1,500 miles away from these children. How far away are you and all the other Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota spiritual leaders from these children? If I were a betting man, I would bet these children live in your own back yard compared to the distance from me.

My grandfather always told me that when you point a finger at others (white people), then there are three fingers pointing back at you. When you look at your own hand do you see your own three fingers pointing back at you?

I respect you. Thank you for your time and patience. May the Creator bless you and give you knowledge and the wisdom to use this knowledge as you ponder and make decisions that will effect all the people.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Grandfather RedWolf

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