Reactions to the Statement of Arvol Looking Horse

John Earl, Age 54, Occupation-Attorney, Status- angry

After I read the statement by Arvol Looking Horse I had to stop and think about just how it weighed on my heart. I understand Arvol's concerns and I must say that I agree with his concern about our way to Tankashilah; however, his pronouncements go against what I was taught by my father's father. Just when I have returned to the Red Road someone is there with a sign saying that the road is closed. I do not think that is what Arvol intends to do as no one has the right to cut another off from the Creator. People such as Arvol and the other appointed spiritual leaders are blessed by the creator and are charged with the responsibility to help the rest of the people to make the connection to the power that created all.

Even though I am of Dakota descent I also feel somewhat excluded by his pronouncements. Because my grandfather left Grant County, South Dakota so he could provide a living for his family I was denied the opportunity to learn the language of my family. Now, because I was denied the opportunity to learn the language of my community I may be denied the right to travel the Red Road. This does not seem to be the way of the People.

When I made my Chanupa it was a true spiritual journey. Now, after reading Arvol's statement, I feel I have been separated from my Chanupa and from my Dakota roots again. I again find myself without a community (village) to be part of, I am not white and I am not of the People? Where do people such as me go now?

When I found the Ghost Shirt in Scotland in 1992, I was visited that night by the owner of the shirt who told me he recognized me. I guess he was mistaken. But I am still glad I was able to bring his shirt home to him so he could go on to complete his journey to the Creator.

I guess what I am saying is that my heart is sad but I still love my people.

John R. Earl (Redshirt)

Boozhoo Niijiiwag(Hello my Friends/Relatives)

I feel that I have to add my 2 cents about this message. I ask that if any of you know any of these Elders/Spiritual leaders/Sacred Bundle Keepers, Please send or take this to them.

My name is Ellery C. Pennock Jr. AnaMi`Kee` Wash(Rolling Thunder) Wabazhashi Doodam(Martin Clan) Lake Superior Anishinabe. I am NOT an Elder nor Spiritual Leader, nor Medicine Person, nor do I carry a Special Title. I am just a Spiritual person who is trying the best I can to follow my path. I pray, I listen to what the Spirits Say, and I use the pipe that the spirits entrusted to me, to pray for my Family, the people, and those who come to me and ask for me to pray for them.

I respect all Elders, Spiritual Leaders, Medicine People, & Sacred Bundles Keepers. I also honor the pressure, stress, and problems that they must deal with in their care for and of the people.

I too have concerns over those people out here, that are mis-representing themselves and not conducting Ceremonies in proper and good ways.

But you must also realize that you will not stop those people, by denying non-Indians nor Indians with too small of a blood quantum to be tribal members from participating in Ceremony. What you are doing is taking away the spiritual path of those that SPIRIT has guided to you, Blood quantum or not. You are being just like the White Government of days ago, when they took our Spiritual practices away from us. Can YOU say that Spirit hasn't guided and is or isn't with this or that person, just by his SKIN COLOR, I think NOT!!!! The Medicine wheel is made up of the 4 colors/the 4 races all within what I refer to as the wheel of life. It is not a wheel with only 1 or 2 or 3 of the colors/races it takes all 4. In the Ojibwe history the Clan Animals long before man came to be, accepted and stated that they would accept these other colors/races, including other red races into their respective Care/Clans. Each individual/person is supposed to be evaluated on their own worth, not their skin color.(Isn’t this what was done to our ancestor’s) Denying Spiritual belief and the following of a NATIVE spiritual path should be determined by the Spirits not man, We follow the Creator and the spirits who walk with Him, they don't follow our “prejudices or human EGO's”. I can not believe nor support separation and segregation as a belief and teaching of Spirit, for any reason, even as a way of dealing with any problems.

The way I see of solving these problems, is to train/teach more Spiritual/Ceremonial leaders to be out here, to see to the peoples needs!!!! This will prevent all of the "Spiritually Starved people" from searching out the wrong people. I am also curious if any of you, have been conducting a Ceremony, and Spirit has come to you and told you to add or delete or change it, and what your result were. Did you follow Spirits direction, or did you say; no I can't listen to you because this is the way it is suppose to be?

Sacred Ceremonies can be conducted almost anywhere, YES some places are more special to "us", BUT are not mandatory by Spirit. I just can't see Spirit saying, nope sorry you aren't on these 100 acres of special mother Earth, and so I'm not going to listen or answer you.

YES I do have special places I like to go, but I can't afford to go there always, and I know that Spirit still see's and Hears me, and does answer. Whether I'm there or not!

I know that many still harbor hatred towards non-Indians because of all that was taken/stolen from our ancestors, and I do not want to belittle any of that nor all that our ancestors had to endure. We should never forget that. However all of the people that cause/allowed it are dead now. I have to believe that I have grown and that I am a better person then to harbor hatred toward the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota of today, because an ancestor of theirs may have killed an ancestor of mine. We all need to live and deal with Mother Earth and All of today’s people! “As many prophecies speak of the time when we all need to become one for Mother Earth and all our futures”.

I ask, I beg, I plead, that you all, PLEASE, take these SACRED BUNDLES and go up on the Hill for 4 days, and pray with the bundles, reconnect with Spirit for “THEIR” answers, before you put out any more WRONG mandates!!!!

I live in Virginia, near some people that many of you know very well, and I am very open to any good intentioned and heartfelt discussions you would like to have. If you were to drive out here and place the bundle between us so we could both smoke pipes over it, I would be more then happy to help with some gas money.

Take Care, Be Safe, Have Fun, Live Life!!!! May the Creator Bless you with His wisdom, and His Love and Energy guide you on your path through Life!!!!

Ellery Anamii`kee` Wac(Rolling Thunder) Pennock
Waabazheshi Doodam
Lake Superior Anishinabe

Ellery Pennock
Reston, VA. 20191-2912

HM. #

Ojibwe-Rolling Thunder, not the Shoshone medicine person the books were written about.

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Photo of daffodils taken by Gloria in her garden in England this week. Thought you might like to see a touch of spring