Protection of Ceremony: Cheyenne Seek to Change Freedom of Religion Act

April 26, 2003

"Anyone may dance the sun dance if he will do as the Oglalas do,"
-Chief American Horse (Sept. 14, 1896)

From: JR American Horse, Cannon Ball, ND:

"When Chief American Horse made that statement to the Lakota, there were no white people around. He did this because he was talking to the young people. They wanted to be war shirt warriors, but they had to be chosen and earn to be leader. When they had council, they had four beaded sticks of the colors, they stuck them in front of the young people, if they think they could handle this, they accept, if they could not then they would pass it on No one teaches them these things anymore.

Lot of People are now violating our ceremonies, charging, selling marijuana on the grounds, our young generation is lost. No one is telling them to prepare for a year like all are supposed to. Back when Chief American Horse made his statement, there was no alcohol involved or white man. He was encouraging the people to have a good life to be able to do these sacred things, they would prepare with vision quest, they would encourage them to prepare in a good way. They don't teach anymore these important things.

I agree with what Arvol is trying to do. White man can come and pray, I don't really see wac'ic'u standing in our hoc'oka some are married to an Indian, they are serious and they are part of the family, they understand.

Some of these teachings need to come back. Like 3 or 4 young people couldn't break at a Sundance, they just took it off and walked off, everyone was trying to tell them to go back, that tells me something is wrong somewhere. It's a narrow walk, when it comes to these ways. In our Indian way every young person is supposed to prepare and vision quest, now they don't know the path.

We look at the white people now, you can have them at a ceremony, to participate in prayers. When American Horse made that statement, he was talking to the Native people to encourage them."

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