Reactions to the Statement of Arvol Looking Horse

In early March, Arvol Looking Horse put out a proclamation concerning the ceremonies of the Plains People. This is my response to that and some ideas on the outcome of this decision: I see four possible decisions coming out of these meetings.
1. A total ban on non-natives, including 'non-carded' natives (high probability),
2. A partial banning (highest probability),
3. No ban at all and back to as is (this, I feel, will never happen because too many people have painted themselves into a corner), and
4. Open ceremonies with tougher protocols (low probability). I will address the first two, primarily the outcome of the first one.

These are the ways I see this affecting the Plains People:
SPIRITUALLY. Mr. Looking Horse, you and your cabal will be responsible for all the people who fall because YOU took away their foundation.Many people have given up drugs, alcohol, etc. for these ways and they may find themselves back in those places because of YOUR decision.

SOCIALLY. Friendships happen and change. When the context of the friendship changes, so too does the relationship. While many people will attempt to maintain close ties to your people, as their hearts find a new way so will their friendships. I hope, Mr. Looking Horse, that you and your cabal will be there when your elders are sad and their hearts are broken.

POLITICALLY. Lets face it. Indian people don't have much pull with the US government. But non-natives do. Are you willing to face the political isolation this decision brings? And another thing, there are people on 'the Rez' who have a desire to have as few eyes seeing what they do out there. I wonder about the real motivation behind at least a few of those pushing this decision. Who knows, one day the Feds may view your people as they did the Branch Davidians.

ECONOMIC. Mr. Looking Horse, are you going to buy the quilts and quillwork that all the 'evil white people' buy out there each year? Are you going to replace the gifts given? As spiritual ties are broken so to will social ties, so of course it follows that economic ties will also.

HONOR for 100 years you have accepted 'outsiders.' Now you punish an entire group based on the actions of a few. I see you have learned much from the dominant culture. The Plains People will be viewed as liars and thieves. Liars because YOU told us it was fine to be there; thieves because YOU STOLE OUR LIVES.

CULTURAL THEFT OR ACCULTURATION. To 'go native' is not theft. How long does one participate in a way of life before they can claim it as their own?

THEOCRACY. By giving over the Plains People's decision making to one person, the Plains People have become a theocratic society. Why not just put on the funny hat and ride in the 'Popemobile,' Mr. Looking Horse?

I believe the partial ban will occur. Why? Because it is theeasiest. They take the cowards way out by cutting off all non-natives instead of actually going after the individuals, but still retain a work force and financial support. So I say I WILL NOT BE YOUR DOG. ACCEPT ME AS A MAN OR HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ME. If I am not good enough to dance in the circle, then my money is not good enough to support it and my sweat is not good enough to work on it.

Further more, if Mr. Looking Horse and Mr. Red Cherries want isolation, I say GIVE THEM ISOLATION. Do not go to the reservations. Do not support their charities and organizations. After all, this is their wish, isn't' it? I also ask them to do us the honor and GIVE UP ALL MODERN COMFORTS. It would do my heart good to see the Plains People living as their ancestors: no cars, no air conditioning, no electricity, etc. I'm sure it would do the Plains People good to see their 'Pipe Carrier' at home instead of flying off to places like Brazil. So, if you,the Plains People, ban us or try to make us your 'dogs,' I say BOYCOTT the reservations and all things connected to the Plains People.

These are my opinions and, as of now, we are still free to voice them in this country. You may agree, you may not, but respect my right to say them. If you don't, it may be your rights that disappear next. Feel free to copy, disseminate, forward, read, burn, or whatever this statement. Thank you - DC

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