Reactions to the Statement of Arvol Looking Horse

I am saddened that the references that all non-natives are to be excluded from the 7 sacred rites. Many non-natives are extremely respectful of all our sacred ceremonies, yet are painted with the same brush as those that abuse our ceremonies. There are also many Native Americans who are members of christian churches, yet they aren't told that the church is only for caucasions, and other colors of man are not allowed to worship in their churches. After all, there is only one Creator and we all pray to one Creator. I hope i'm not wrong, but I feel Creator sees no color or only one particular tongue.

Many Native Americans lost their native language, would that mean that we can't pray in our own ceremonies because Creator only listens to one tongue? I know that many Non-natives have the highest respect for the channupa and will carry it in a good way, yet many native people don't have the slightest idea about our native ceremonies. The channupa is central to all of our ceremonies and there are those that abuse the process of obtaining the channupa.

When only one group of people are allowed to have a channupa, that will also diminish the availability. When experienced quarriers are no longer quarrying, those that need the channupa or stone will have to do their own quarrying. My observations for over 30 years is that many of those that do quarry come up empty handed or run out of time to reach the pipestone vein. That is due to lack of experience and knowledge to break through the quartzite layers that overlay the pipestone vein. To reach the pipestone deposit is a labor intensive, time consuming task. I wonder if there will be those that will be willing to sacrifice their blood, sweat and tears like we do to quarry the pipestone. What then is the future of the channupa?

In conclusion, this document should be directed solely to the abusers of our sacred ceremonies and not at all the non-native people.

Mitakuye Oyasin
Chuck Derby

I have witnessed a sundance where non-natives were banned from helping, and the sacred fire went out because the Native firekeepers didn't watch it enough, I have also been at a sundance in ND where it rained continually but the sacred fire continued all through it. That fire was tended by non-natives, my son Andrew was one of them, and Chris Leith was the intercessor so he should know better than to agree to his name being on this list. His vision was for all 4 colors to dance together at sundance in Pipestone but AIM stopped that happening.

If you look at the names on this list it makes you wonder, one of them runs a sundance where whites are charged to go to it, another mixes his stuff with new age.
Another has a sundance that has people from all over the world participating in the dance, and yet another did ceremony in Wisconsin where Miracle the white buffalo was born, on a non-native homestead I must add. Should Miracle now be taken from her home because the caretakers of her are non-native I wonder. Arvol himself travels worldwide doing ceremony with non-natives, yet he mentions that the Pipe 'has gone out to the International community' well yes I guess it has as he is out there encouraging the Pipe to be used around the world. In 1997 I went up against a number of Dakota to get Galen (senior) to be the spiritual person to pass over the spirits of the 38 + 3 at the Gathering of Kinship because I, working with Spirit and on the committee, knew he would do a good job, he did. But I as a 'non-understanding, non-native' knew enough to get the right person to do the job, whereas the Dakota didn't believe he could do it because of his reputation.

I think this will be devastating for the people who follow the path correctly and do it with all their heart and soul, I know many who are like that, from many countries, nations and walks of life. I feel that this is so wrong of these people to do this because they are going against their traditional ways of being modest and humble and recognising that the grandfather Creator is the only one who can say who can worship in whatever way, and that permission comes thru the Spirit that is in each of us. This is not man's reason to be here.

I believe that these people should look closer to home for the abuse that is happening, and should thank the non-natives who follow the ways with such respect for without them the Native ceremonies would be dead now. I can see that with this latest statement that is what will happen very soon. I have seen it with the quarrying, that no one is interested in learning the old traditions especially when they entail hard work.


This statement by Arvol saddens me deeply. I understand that many so called spiritual leaders (of all colors) have exploited the Pipe and the Seven Rites, as they have many other religions. Key word here is "religions". I personally feel that the Rites of the Pipe is a way of life and NOT a religion. There is a very big difference in Spirituality and religion. Every "enlightened" person I have read says " love one another", no exceptions. I wonder if Arvol is prepared to line everyone up in the world for approval. What are his qualifications for "blood quantom"....I believe their are no thoroughbreds.... You decide. - RH

It sounds like they are moving towards a belief in ethnocentricity which walks hand in hand with prejudice and racism. One would think that great leaders could reflect on the great history of our world in which we live and learn from past mistakes. Can we not recognize that one of the worlds most charismatic leaders followed the very similar beliefs, if I recall his name was Adolf Hitler.

Another point I wish to mention... that religion is a belief and spirituality is a way of life. Once again throughout history spiritual leaders have been compensated for services, whether it be thru donations, barter or monetary. If a spiritual leader does nothing other then the duties of their spiritual post in their society there is no way for them to make a living or survive. Even in the Native Culture generous gifts from the tribe were paid to spiritual leaders. Not necessarily for specific services but more in general. Whether it be money or trade it is all the same and will be classified under barter. Yes abuse of it will always exist but a truly spiritual person should be able to tell the difference. dcr

Han kola. I have mixed feelings on this issue. I have been to sweats where non-Indians were invited and were extremely disrespectful because they did not understand what a sweat is all about. On the other hand, I have seen non-Indians, who have been called by our Creator Father to walk the Red Road and who are striving to do so in a respectful and traditional manner...not because it is cool but because they are called to do so. Some, at great sacrifice. I have also met many enrolled Indians who don't have a clue.

The statement was signed "mitakuye oyasin." How can this be when it was just stated that we are all NOT relatives, because some were being excluded merely on their blood line?

I am reminded of the promises made in The Ghost Dance regarding those who are not Indian being brought in. Has it not been true through the ages that people have been brought into tribes and made as one with the people? Some were captives, some by marriage, some just came.

While I totally agree that the Rites must be protected at all costs, I also think that excluding people in a broad sweep is wrong. ALL people who wish to be present for ceremonies should be questioned as to their integrity and purpose for being there. I see nothing wrong in a type of sponsorship program, where someone wishing to enter must be vouched for by one who is known, so that their heart, spirit and purpose is known to all, regardless of whether they are Indian or not.

It is a little late to start excluding people and I am afraid that this may cause a greater insurgence of non-Indian ceremonies. In my opinion, excluding all non-Indians is just as dangerous and harmful as letting everyone and anyone in.

This broad statement of exclusion feels uncomfortably familiar. I see the United States governments bellowing about newly imposed laws that are broad sweeps and are intended to do thus and so. Not long afterward it is often discovered that the new law did little more than make matters worse.

Search my heart, Creator Father. Show me the way You want me to go and how I should live my life. Teach me The Ways, Father and give me the strength and courage to do what is required of me. Let me truly live mitakuye oyasin. Let me see through Your Eyes and Spirit and not my own.

She Whose Heart's Tears Fall Slowly

This will be a dark time indeed if the views/decisions of this man come to be. The decision of who can or cannot walk the Red Road solely on bloodlines is a travesty. The medicine wheel has all four colors of man. If it was not to be, the wheel should be red only. I am proud to represent my side, the white side.

I agree that there are some who go against the teachings doing all the things that brought about this meeting in the first place. I find it an aberration that I am to be tarred by the same brush because I was not born into the chosen peoples. I did not choose to be Swedish French decent. I have an Indian heart. Everything I do is wholeheartedly on the path. I carry my pipe in a good traditional way. I am preparing for my first fast very soon. I sweat regularly. I go to u-wi-pi whenever it comes to where I live. I was married to my mate in a traditional Lakota Sioux ceremony following the rites to the letter.

We have heard of people in our area, lodge keepers who touch women inappropriately during the sweatlodge, who possibly charge for their ceremonies, do peyote in the lodge. We keep away from these lodges, these people. We seek out proper respectful lodges where the keeper has earned their lodge in a proper way. ( I might add here, that these offending people are "INDIAN" men).

I don't understand where this person has the right to unilaterally ban or exclude people on their color alone. So many others have tried to do just that - Hitler to name one. Wars have been fought.

I truly feel that Creator would not exclude people based on race. We all pray to the same god. How we observe in the "church" of our choice should not matter. If we turn our backs on the offending few they would be forced to cease and desist. The people should let them know in a strong voice that what they are doing will not be tolerated.

What a sad day indeed if I was not allowed to worship my Creator on the Red Road I am following based on my white skin.

RED ROAD WOMEN (Deborah Lacerte)

My heart too is heavy. The sacredness of the Pipe and the Rites MUST be preserved but not made extinct. Mitakuye Oyasin as I have learned is for ALL MY RELATIONS which includes not just the 2-legged but all of Mother Earth's creatures and I have never heard it translated as ALL MY RED RELATIONS, ALL MY LAKOTA RELATIONS, etc. Have not non-natives been made relatives, members, and even chiefs in the past? MOST confusing to me is why Chief Fool's Crow would give his Sacred Ceremonial Pipe to Thomas Mails. I respect Chief Arvol's belief, I respect his duties,

I will pray for understanding for ALL MY RELATIONS.
wes fire-walker

Please go to the following page to get the reactions of the Little Feather Center, members and non-members. (2)

There are so far 4 pages of comments please look throuh them. Keep clicking until you get to a not found page. I am adding comments as they come in each day.


Updates complements of the Friends of Little Feather Center, Pipestone MN.


Photo of daffodils taken by Gloria in her garden in England this week. Thought you might like to see a touch of spring