Reactions to the Statement of Arvol Looking Horse

Was ALH was afraid to speak his true feelings before now, has he had a change of heart since his book, or (more likely) is he bending from pressure by someone or some group. Maybe that other 3 letter acronym A- - ? It is obvious that many of those that would be allowed to remain in the tightening circle understand what the right thing to do is. It also seems the correct direction to take. Hopefully they will continue to speak out and speak up!

Oneal (Just the opinion of a lowly pipemaker in CA)

I have removed the name of the person from this email. He is listed on the statement from Arvol though. I also removed the name of the sundance. Gloria

A man designated as wicasa wakan served as intercessor at the ....... Sundance as a helper and apprentice of X He claimed to be the father of Thundershield and over a period of years bilked more than $100,000 from honest people who were sincerely living their lives with a good heart. This man was designated by X as the "keeper of the sacred pipe east of the Missori" I personally witnessed a great deal of money and gifts of all kinds being distributed to X by this man. He had sex with a woman during the sundance just before he laid sundancers on the sacred buffalo hide and pierced their skin...Turns out he was of Hawaiian descent...apparently just Native enough to be taught indian ways by X while in prison in North Dakota. I was with him and several well known members of AIM when they bragged about how many white women they had sex with and how much money they got from "selling" their spiritual ways. How holy is this? and, how holy is X that he can sit in judgement of the rest of creation and decide who is worthy to participate?      JH

Hello to all, I am a sundancer of caucasion decent, I believe very highly in protection of ceremony, for all who are participants whatever there involvement, leader, dancer, supporter, etc... I believe that all humans face common problems, and that we must seek unity with each other to get through all that we face, alcoholism knows no racial boundary whatever it's origin may be, sexual illnesses, are not concerned with skin color, racism seems to be universally colored as well, since all of our social problems attack all nations shouldn't all nations come together to be part of a common solution, one of my observations throughout these discussions is that it seems that white women are being the victims of the sexual abuse in ceremony, forgive me if that is ignorant, i'm sure that it regretfully happens to all races of women. I feel that those who are committing the wrongful acts should be seen as people who are suffering an illness that they are not strong enough to fight, they know who they are, and we, as ceremonial people, should step forward together regardless of racial lines, and protect all persons walking this way, who are we to judge anyone? judgment no, protection yes.

Mitakuye oyasin,

black hills


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Photo of daffodils taken by Gloria in her garden in England this week. Thought you might like to see a touch of spring