Reactions to the Statement of Arvol Looking Horse

Hi Gloria, Sorry I took so long to respond to your email. The truth is, I was so upset by what I read I couldn't find the right words to express myself. It saddens me to think that there are people out there who feel that a person must be judged by their skin color or nationality. I have spent my whole life fighting prejudice. My best friend in high school (in the late '60s) was black. There were places we went where people did not welcome him. I didn't care what they thought or said, I walked away with him. He was a terrifc human being with outstanding morales and treated people with the upmost respect. Nobody ever took the time to get to know him. I feel that the group of people who are trying to ban non-natives from Lakota ceremonies are doing the same thing. They are angry because people are expoliting their rituals...and rightly so. But those people are the ones to be banned, not a specific race.

I try to walk the red road. I feel I have been doing this since I was a child, without even being aware of it. So many of the beliefs of the Lakota people have been philosophies I have lived with my entire life. I am a teacher in a very poor district where many of my students are fighting just to survive. I would like to think that my students will one day live in a world where they have choices that would help them better their lives and not remain in a rut.

My husband and myself had a truly inspiring experience at Bear Butte this summer. We recently lost a few close friends and were quite distraught over it. Without going into detail, our pilgrimage up that butte saved my husband's sanity. I will never forget it. I don't know what I would do if we were restricted from hiking it again. And yes, God is everywhere, but when you finally find him, you want to go back for more.

I hope they are able to resolve their issues with the people causing problems for them. I don't go to church, but when I did, I would NEVER EVER think of asking ANYONE to leave my church because of their color. If these people closed their eyes and looked with their hearts, they would see the truth in people.

Love and peace,

I wonder what Arvol Looking Horse means by 'Mitakuye Oyasin'?

I guess as a white man in the middle of making his cha-nu-pa I don't have the proper bloodline to understand it's meaning...

Arvol Looking Horse should've understood that bringing the Cha-nu-pa to the people would bring trials and negative feelings as well as those of love. It is unfortunate that abuses happen, but every spiritual pathway has its charlatans. You cannot shield the cha-nu-pa from them whether you try to protect it or not. Creator knows who belongs in the center and who does not, not some elder appointed judge. No matter how wise he may be

Should I let a council of men determine whether or not I finish carving the wood a tree 200 miles from my home gifted me?

Peace to all...
Matthew Tor Pulver

Protection ofCeremonies

Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, would like to thank all the People that attended this historic 'Protection of Ceremonies' meeting…………

As I read this statement my direct question was !!! what about the Native people who just say they are native but do nothing or are denying the way of the Red Road,.

I pray every morning ( I have the opportunity to see father Sun coming up every morning at my work and burn some sage and I sing the four direction song,)

The Chanupa is very sacred to me and I take care like my teacher Skybow ( Lakota elder) told me to do so.

I respect our Dakota-Lakota- Nakota sisters and brothers, and would not disrespect them.

If I go to a Inipi and find out that they ask money for this I break the entire lodge to the ground and tell other people so they know not to go to this kind of people.

My Grandmother once told me to understand that every person can have a good heart, a heart big enough to change the world! She said the Great Spirit wouldn’t give us something we couldn’t handle!

Know that you yourself are essential to this World. Believe that! Understand both the blessing and the burden of that.
You yourself are desperately needed to save the soul of this World.
Did you think you were put here for something less?

a friend of me send me this.
“ What one feels in his heart and soul
defines a native person,
not the color of his skin. “

Glenn Welker
Toksha ake wacinyanktin ktelo


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Photo of daffodils taken by Gloria in her garden in England this week. Thought you might like to see a touch of spring