My heart shared with you
Otokahe Lecala-Anpao

Questions and points of reference;

With my respect given to all the relatives, there are a few things that are in need of being expressed. So, it is that they come forth in an honorable way to make clear some misunderstandings. It is respectfully requested that these be taken into consideration and prayer by the relatives that carry the responsibility of the coming days.

If these ways were just given to the Plains people then why was vision given to Grandfather Sitting Bull, Grandfather Black Elk, Grandfather Lame Deer, to mention a few, to take to the people of the 4 quarters of the earth these ways? Why is it clearly stated in the stories the instructions that they were to take this to the people? Do you not believe that Great Spirit had all people in mind? Do you think he specified and isolated to just one people of one area? Why are these ways found in other nations, long before the sharing came forth? These are sacred spiritual ways, not so much unlike all the other spiritual ways around the world with the same message within them. Are we so wise as to think we are the only ones to have an understanding specially created for only us? It would not be humble to think things such as this. Nor to claim ownership of anything Great Spirit has created or gifted.

Since when was it our way to own for our selves the right to carry or in many cases buy, one of Great Spirits creatures and to claim ownership of it and that no one else has this ownership or right? Other than the governments ruling which is not of our original ways. This right to have within the personal possession of any native peoples is and has been an earned right for many. What man has been given authority by Great Spirit, over this to have taken this away from anyone? And then we have the understanding, we are but caretaking that for a time. What we have earned is the opportunity to caretake, not own.

Where suddenly is it that the red stone is so sacred and no one can have this sacredness except us, as to have a possession statement placed upon it. For in the days of long ago as it is today, it was used as money is, used to barter with and sell and buy things with. This being by the Teton nation keepers of the red stone of that area, for generations. Even to the point of making pipes which are believed to be so sacred and carvings as well as jewelry, and they themselves selling them. Who is it that has been given sole ownership of this work of Creator to own and govern in this manner?

And who is it that thinks for one minute that this stone is the sole property and only found in the area that it is thought of to be. For in the lands of my father’s fathers, this very same stone is found there as well, and that place is not in Minnesota. Who is to say it is not found everywhere?

By what authority is it that such governing and claims come to be, if it is a pipe of this specific stone it is Lakota? This is a very general statement and one that needs to be re-viewed. As there are many paths of native traditions that have used this kind of stone. And have; long before ownership issues came about. It is stone from all over the world. And is it not thought of to be that the pipe is most sacred but that only takes place at the time it is awakened.

Question; The original pipe keeper was Elk Horn and then High Hollow Horn, the family from that lineage. Is it still this way today, when did it change to make the claims that are being made? And this authority, is it not to only govern those peoples who walk that specific path, who for whatever reasons are of many colors in the skin. Not one specific nation of a specific color of skin or lineage. Where are we to understand the words "Mitakuye Oyasin", from mans perspective or from Great Spirits?

Since when has it been the thought that the relatives the Oyasin only understands Lakota language? Have we become so limited in our thinking to even have the thought that the Holy Ones have any kind of limitation upon them? Is it not that the Spirit of all things understands and transcends all language barriers? Is it not a part of the medicine to understand their language they communicate in? Why would it be any less for them to understand all languages themselves? It is a bit narrow minded to place this thought or understanding upon the greatest of creations. The ancestors understand no matter what language is spoken. They are of the Spirit of the Great Waken and all things are possible within that Spirit.

And when has it been that everyone is punished for the few acts of some? Is that the compassion of the old ones or a control issue of a few today? Those acts that are spoken of, have in the majority been done by the ones that are being gifted the rights to walk this path. It has been mainly because these ones have not governed their actions nor taken responsibility for their own doings, that this is happening today. It has been the wisdom given that in our way we are to lift up those that have fallen, (and this has not issue of color nor race nor blood lineage quantum).

It is firmly believed and has been for many many years that this difficulty needed to be governed long ago. It has been seen and witnessed many times and it was taken to ones who do the governing, only to have it ignored or set aside by them. These ones turned a deaf ear to the calling for help. So now it is that their hearing has suddenly come clear? No, it is not believed. What is believed is that there were and are few who would take responsibility and come forward to stop the travesties.

It has been seen that ones of non-lineage have a greater respect for these ways than the full bloods. With all due respect to those who walk in the ways fully and as complete as has been given. To the rest, well too much has been allowed by our own people. Now we must clean it up with as little effects as possible to those who are walking the ways in purity and spiritual oneness with Great Spirit.

We cannot in good consciousness make and isolate all people, except a specific group, into a category and say they can no longer walk in this way after it was given them long ago to walk. And many were given this by Great Spirit not man, through vision and guidance from the ancestors. If in fact they are walking as the people of these ways were given to walk, then who is anyone to attempt to take it away? Our ancestors fought and many died for these rights, not just for the Sioux or Cheyenne or anyone isolated group, but for all people to be able to pray when the calling came forth. It is in part because of non-natives with a heart, we have this ability today. There are many more of these than there are of full bloods these days, so it seems.

In part, The People are dying because of laziness or inability to teach and govern correctly, because of money and price tags attached to the ways, youth in their own experiences and path themselves. When it comes right down to it, to the core of all difficulties you will find this reason.

Know this, non-natives did not originate this, Natives did, they showed how it was done by doing it in the first place and not properly teaching how an exchange and offering the ompage was to be or how the protocol was to be honored.

Take responsibility and correct those ones who need correcting. Teach and re-teach the correct ways.

This way that is being pushed upon the people is the lazy way to do things, a way that no one has to take responsibility nor face the darknesses they have made for themselves. An easy way to eliminate the facts.

It has been taught for generations, this path is not one of convenience nor part time participation, it is a way of life. Well then LIVE IT, and do not allow others to wade into deep waters if they cannot swim. So many have been allowed to participate, given the ok by referred to Medicine People, and they cannot even wade in shallow water, or digest food, they are still on milk. Babies in the ways. Why have they been allowed to do this? It is not so difficult to see where the problems lies?

Why are not the full ways done today, why is it that all people do not have to earn completely the rights? Is it the fault of non-natives? No, it is the doing of the Natives, and maybe just maybe, if all people would have to do the work completely they would be deterred from misusing it. They themselves would have had to earn these things at a great price or great effort, and I am not saying money here. The price is of self, of sacrifice of commitment and conviction to the ways. Why have our leaders gone to the mind rather than to the heart? This applies to natives as well.

It has been made to easy for even the youth of native people to become something in their eyes. They are given rights and put into position long before they have been taught and earned these rights. They have not good examples or are too lazy to do the work with the elders, that are necessary to accomplish the placement. They do not have to earn a feather anymore. Again, is this the fault of non-natives? This is happening left and right. Personally I have witnessed this. These young ones have acquired a false sense of awareness and rights. Placed in the ego and prideful category. So who is taking responsibility for these young spirits? Well some are going to non-natives that are walking a honorable path of these ways. In part because it is easier and they are lazy and because they can hide the insults they have committed when they go outside. It is hard for them to find honorable ones to learn from and they do not want to put forth the efforts and sacrifices that need to be! Made in order to find someone of their own people to learn from.

Look closely at the hocoka in which is so sacred to us. Who is in there? What do these ones do the rest of the year? Have they made the sacrifices needed to be done in order to be there? Do they get into trouble, do they abuse substances, do they inflict pain upon others, are they a living example of these ways everyday and not just for the season? Are they respectful to their elders, are they honorable to the people with whom they interact? Do they use filthy speech and create negativity everywhere they go? Do they walk with integrity, honestly and in humbleness? We need to open our eyes and see, open our ears and hear what is happening, and speak the words that come with integrity.

Has it not been our responsibility to make sure these things are done? Is it not our responsibility to make sure all things are followed? This is what will insure protection of the ways. Not banning people from them, but teach and govern how it is to be.

It is spoken of others paths. Which is being abused as well. It used to be that one who had the calling to walk a path had to go through all that we have. They had to be taught, they had to sacrifice and they had to serve and live in the ways of long ago. Today, one can become a minister for $15.00 and yearly dues with a few words on a piece of paper. There is not one path today that has not felt the turmoil we are feeling.

It also has been shared that if one has had a calling to a specific path that all other paths are set aside. One cannot walk two paths at the same time. Other native nations have this, ones that are strong and in existence this day ones that not many know of. If one has had a calling to be in that path one has to lay down the prior paths completely and be pure in the one chosen or called to. I too have sat with the elders of other nations and they have shared it this way, one must completely dedicate themselves to the path. It is not so unlike a marriage, setting aside all others, things and ways, putting away all others and being totally immersed in that path. This used to be in our ways as well, where has it gone?

It was not allowed to happen in the early days, nor was it done by non-natives it was done by natives. Others are allowed into the sacred altars of other nations, if they prove themselves committed completely, and this is a long and tedious journey. We used to have to do this, today it has been made so easy it is almost like a drive through restaurant.

It is not wise to distort and bring forth confusion. The difference is, as it has been seen, is this one simple thing. That which we have allowed to happen and they do not. Underground yes it can be spoken this way, it can even be said that it is lost or that it is secret, when in reality it is that they stand strong and do not allow in the world and the worldly ways, it takes much in order to be able to be of their ways. And few have it to give that much, it is much easier to adopt another way rather than to sacrifice so much, then put a word upon it to make reason for the lack of. We see this with those things which has been allowed in, and not because of color or race or blood but because to a certain degree of greed from a few. Let us isolate those few assist them to get out of the darkness, and get on with the business of doing what we are to do. This process is called by a name, De-colonization.

Has it not been given to us to feed the people? Where has the feeding gone? To the pocket? Purely not to the stomach nor the hearts of our families. With all due respect to all my relatives, open the eyes, heart and mind to that of Great Spirit, do not be fooled by our own thoughts, judgments or assessments. Stand strong in the ways of Wakan Tanka. Be you all of pure hearts when the decisions for the future generations are made. Remember the mistakes already made, learn from our forefathers.

In all good consciousness and for the preservation of the future. We cannot take away something that was given by Creator. And Creator gifted this to all nations. Do not allow the words of a few to destroy the wisdom of many. We must all learn the language of Creator.

Not one of us is without failing, it is the wisdom to know and understand when this has happened and correct it.

The wisdom of the Buffalo returning, we have been put on warning for along time now. Let us do this in the correct way. It is not the fault nor the responsibility of anyone other than ourselves, when we see the illnesses and turbulences falling upon the homeland. Look at what we have done to the people. Our own actions upon the people have caused our own distress. Also look at where the medicines are flourishing and growing, this is an indication of wellness, honor and respect. When it is viewed in its wholeness. By example it can be seen, look at the children, look at the food that is growing, look at the medicines they themselves care for. There one can determine what that person is all about. Look at the core tiospaye and the healings that have occurred and are taking place. Look at the life one lives and shares with others. Look at the sacrifices made to the people. Look beyond that of the physical into the spirit that lives around these ones. People of medicine are to! Be able to see, hear, and feel these things. Use the tools and medicine ways that were gifted then to determine things now. Not the words, words are easy but do not feed a people. Actions and life force itself feed the people.

It is not by race color or creed that Great Spirit determines His gifts. Who are we to over ride His authority?

It is given great thanks and gratitude to those who have given the time sacrifice to listen to this ones heart.

It is prayed that one day we will all walk in these ways, with dignity, respect and honor to all our relations.

And May Great Spirit guide us as well as the generations yet to come, on our journey through life here on mother earth.

New Beginnings The Dawn of a New Day.

It is this day that I honor the given name from my ancestors and one that has been within the family for generations in one way or another. It is my first as well as my last name and it is honored for me to walk with them this day.

Otokahe Lecala-Anpao

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Comments 9

Feb 2004


Updates complements of the Friends of Little Feather Center, Pipestone MN.

All copy in the interviews and letters are not the work of the Little Feather Center but the authors of each piece we are just collecting them in one place for educational purposes.