Response to Arvol Looking Horse's Statement

My name is Vimber Long Wolf and I come from the Wazhazhe clan of Oglala Lakota. I’m Third generation of Long Wolf, Long Wolf who surrendered under Chief American Horse when Crazy Horse surrendered to Fort Robinson in Nebraska.

I totally support Arvol Looking Horse and his statement on the protection of Lakota ceremonies. I think what Arvol is telling the people is honest and he is only protecting our way of life because of what the elders are seeing and saying. We the Lakota people and our Chunupa and the ceremonies that come with the Chunupa are being used and sold in ways that are unimaginable. I respect our Chiefs before us and also respect their wishes but I don’t think they intended for whites and non Lakota’s or other tribes to say these are their ways and blatantly misuse our ceremonies for self gain and chief hood. These things are happening everywhere and I know this because I see it and live amongst it.

When a person comes into these Lakota ways and all of a sudden they are communicating with the Tunkashilas and performing doctoring ceremonies saying his medicine man gave him power, I have to question it. From my understanding and what I was taught, these kinds of people are born and not made after a few years of participating in the Lakota ways.

First of all our Tunkashilas never spoke English or Spanish or geman ect.ect.. Our forefathers never spoke english or any other foreign language. They spoke Lakota which was a Tunkashila Wakun Tunka given Language and from my teachings was a very sacred language. The Lady that brought the original Chunupa spoke Lakota and nothing else. So how is it that someone that doesn’t know the Lakota language have the power or knowledge to run these sacred ceremonies in any other language? I was always told that the Lakota language is needed to run or have any of the powers that come with our sacred Calf Pipe. To me this means ALL of the sacred ceremonies. Most of the ceremonies that are conducted by individuals today are all English and if there is a Lakota speaker in the crowd he is shunned or never paid attention to.

I know for a fact that my Tunkashila (Grandfather) Long Wolf fought a lot of battles to protect this very thing from happening and I am proud that someone with the power (Arvol) finally stood up to help our Tunkashilas. Some people will call what is happening racist or discriminating but to a real Lakota person with some knowledge about our Sacred Calf Pipe say it’s about time some one is stopping all the abuses. Those people that feel this way should give the Sacred Pipe back to the Lakota and go back to the tribe they come from and learn the ways of their people. This also includes the whites. You brought the bible to this country and now you’re trying to steal the way of another people.

For beginners, we did not kill Jesus Christ who was your medicine man and we did not force our ways upon you or do some of us want to join in your ways of worship. All Arvol and we are asking for is respect and the respect of our Tunkashilas so we can worship in the manner the Creator intended for us to pray and live. If you want to be a part of the ceremonies then do as they ask and support from where they say to support and stop acting like you own the Lakota way of life. We the Lakota people can handle our own ceremonies without all the wannaobees and over night medicine men that are popping up everyday, allover the place.


NOTE from Gloria: I asked if Vimber would allow his email address to be put on this response and he gave his permission. It is below.

Please go to the following pages to get the reactions of the Little Feather Center other members and non-members.

Comments 9

Feb 2004


Updates complements of the Friends of Little Feather Center, Pipestone MN.

All copy in the interviews and letters are not the work of the Little Feather Center but the authors of each piece we are just collecting them in one place for educational purposes.