Museum to honor the least known people in North America,
the Original Tribal Women |
Links to Native American Charitable Organizations
In many places in America the indiginous peoples are having a hard time surviving. Their ancestors could hunt for food and find natural resources for heat, their homes were located close together for protection and friendship and elders were cared for by the community. In those days no-one was cold, hungry or lonely. Today however things are completely different the reservations are often so desolate that elders cannot get out to see other people, their homes are cold and they have little food. Work opportunities are almost unheard of.
These proud people have to rely on the goodness of charities to survive. The charities listed below all give a helping hand not a hand out. They believe that it is important to provide help in a way that reduces dependency and at the same time draws on the strong sense of pride and community, prevalent among Indian people.
This website is about women who have done extra-ordinary things under difficult circumstances, they achieved their goals and have done amazing things. If more women are going to do the same thing then the situation on the reservations needs to change for the positive. Donations to the organizations below could assist this change. If you are able to donate something to one of other of them please do. If not please just read about each one and see what they are doing to make the lives of these individuals and communities better.
I thank you for your time.
To give Native American students the tools, resources, and opportunities to learn and succeed. By harnessing the power of knowledge these future leaders can work to bring about positive changes in their own lives and their communities. |
The American Indian Relief Council has one proven, successful answer; help Native Americans improve the quality of their own lives, by providing opportunities for them to bring about positive changes in their own communities. AIRC offers a helping hand, not a handout. |
Helping Native American people improve the quality of their lives by providing opportunities for them to bring about positive changes in their communities. |
The Southwest Indian Relief Council exists to bring support and encouragement to Native Americans, who seek to live in dignity despite horrendous economic pressures. |
Sponsors programs that address a wide variety of needs, from natural disasters to Elder nutrition, for Sioux Indians on the Northern Plains. |
In AZ, NM, CA and UT, CIN insists that substantial community volunteerism be a part of the processing or distribution of these goods to elders and those living in poverty, or that the goods be used in an incentive program.
Primarily serves communities on the largest of all Indian Reservations in the United States, the Navajo. The Fund brings hope to these often struggling people. Even more importantly, NRF helps build “strong, self-sufficient Native American communities” by drawing on the deep commitment to clan and culture that is prevalent on many reservations. |
Please take a look at the very Exceptional Women pages in the section below. They are certainly women that all Native Americans ought to be proud of. |