Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride 2017

December 24th Day 15

Romona Chezem

Night before Christmas...NDN Style

T’was the night before Christmas and all thru the teepee
Not an eyelid was shut because nobody was sleepy.

The Wal-Mart bags were hung by the fire so neat,
Hoping Chief Nick would fill them up with smoked meat.

The children were nestled all snug in their bed
While visions of fry bread men danced in their heads.

With Ulla in her kerchief and my hair braided tight
We turned up the scanner to entertain us tonight.

Then all of a sudden a crash we did hear,
The rez dogs started barking but that’s the norm around here.

The moon on the breast of the new falling snow
Gave the luster of midday to my rez car below.

When what to my ndn eyes should appear
But an ndn sleigh with eight tiny reindeer!

With a little rez driver so stoic but quick
I knew in a moment it must be Chief Nick.

More rapid then Rez Ballers the reindeer they came
And he pointed with his lips then called them by name.

On Fancy Dancer, on Smoked Meat, on Thomas and Victor,
On Back Strap, on Philbert, on Black Cloud and Trixster;

Sshhh, land beside the teepee, quiet for good reason
We have to be careful it’s deer hunting season.

The stickers on his sleigh read "I love baloney"
Another one read, "My other ride is a pony".

The one in the middle said NDN Power
There was duct tape and bailing wire holding it together.

When they teepee flap opened I just hung my head,
For I just finished off his stew and fry bread.

He was dressed in full regalia from his head to his moccs,
His outfit fully beaded right down to his socks!

His huckleberry eyes twinkled, his braids were like WOW!
You have to see it for yourself, he was just…somehow!

The stump of his peace pipe held tight in his teeth
And the smoke signals encircled his head like a wreath.

His face was kind of greasy and he was ndn size,
He had a commod bod only a skin could recognize.

He spoke not a word just flashed his Tribal ID.
He left a block of cheese and new tape recorder under the tree.

He left hand drums and blankets and round dance CDs,
huckleberry pies and the new Northern Cree!

Then he pointed with his lips, gave a big hearty AYYE!
And he danced out the door and jumped in his sleigh.

I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight
"Merry Christmas to all, let’s round dance tonight!"

... by - Unknown

Mo Nichols
The wind is speaking from the North this Morning! There is a briskness accompanied by a momentarily calmness. Grandfather Sun is slowly showing presence to us and will bring a loving warmth upon Mother Earth and our people. Creator let us hear our messages,the ones our Ancestors are delivering for us, the wisdom they are sharing so we may gain the wisdom we need! May this be a sign of the explosion of healing that is taking place for so many. We know our prayers are being heard,and we give many thanks for all you have given. Please continue to protect and provide for all involved in this amazing journey.
Blessings, love, gratitude, honor,respect,forgiveness,and healing surround us all! Riders we love you,we thank, you we support you,and we are with you in spirit! Ride proud loving warriors. This day is for those that were here before us, those of us here now,and those that are coming! A'ho

Elaine L Bear
Many prayers for strength, and warmth, may our prayers carry you through.
Wayne Watson
Christmas Eve wishes to the riders, Horses and supporting staff! Creator watch over you and protect you!
Cece Walter
Prayers and blessings for all the riders, horses and support staff. Thank you for making this honorable journey. Stay safe and warm. Much love and respect to you all.
Wayne Watson
Planning to ride next year with your help and the Creators help! I have asked the Creator and I know in my heart the Creator will make a way! Yakoke!
Ramona Gerber
A new morning has arrived here in Alaska and while I have my first cup of coffe, I think about the riders - how they are feeling & I am sure emotions will be running high. The culmination of all the days put behind you leads to this one astonishing day that will will forever be with you - remembering the final miles.
Ride proud Warriors & know Ancestors from the past are with you. They have watched over you from day 1.
Sheryl Dowlin
Tomorrow, as you ride into Mankato, we will remember the 38+2 plus, Mr. Bud Lawrence, a co-founder of the Mahkato Wacipi who crossed over in late November. His spirit will be with you.
Mitakuye O’yasin
Bruce and Sheri Dowlin
Boise, ID
Ingrid Emitt
many blessings and riding in mind with you all
Maryanne Merrick
Incredibly Soo Honoured too the riders and breathtaking beauty of the horses. Soo healing to Me.
Silvie Diet
Prayers from Germany
Donna Anderson
A’ho and Amen!
Eldora Perank
Safe travels
Audrey Haas
God Bless you all. .
Lynn J Ceccarelli
New member shared her first post.
Blessings and prayers to all our riders and horses. We are so proud of you.
Donna Anderson
Creator we ask that You would hear, bless, and honor our prayers offered up over the Dakota 38+2
Marilyn Nored
Prayers and safe travels
John Leith Admin
merry christmas

Members Stories

Gloria Hazell-Derby
I have been asked to tell my Story, and so today I will do so. It is long so part will be here and part will be on a separate web page.

I am English, I first came to America in 1981 with my, then, husband and 4 children. This is a long story that surpasses 35+ years.

My ex taught computer languages at a college in NJ, and his students often came round for extra tuition and one day a young student gave me a book and said 'I think you should have this.' The book was Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee, that book changed my life in ways I could never have imagined.

Reading through the book in the next few weeks I became, as most of you probably have if you have read it, sad, angry, completely insensed and confused as to how anyone could treat other human beings, as the Natives of America had been treated through the years. One thing that most of you probably wouldn't have felt though was recognition of a photo in that book, not just of the photo but of the person themselves. That photo took me around to many reservations during the following years. That photo was of Wambditanka, Big Eagle, a sub chief in 1862, who was imprisoned in Davenport in 1862 for 2 years.

As we lived near to Princeton back then I went to the library at the Uni a few times to check out the history of the 1862 Dakota Uprising as it was called back then, and so much rang true with me and I had no idea why. Of course there really wasn't a lot to read as the history is sort of kept quiet. (As you probably know). So every time my husband had a few days off work we would travel out west, searching for history. We went to Santee, Lower Sioux and Upper Sioux, Flandreau, Sisseton, Crow Creek, Lower Brule, and of course Pipestone.

In Santee I met a wonderful elder, who said he was a 'handsome Isante', I said he was and we got on fine. He had to have been in his 90's, he had a great sense of humor and he remembered. I wish I had met him a bit later down the line because at that time I was not used to the Dakota accent, and so probably lost a lot of what he said because he spoke and laughed at the same time, I can see heads nodding! I never recorded anything, just took notes and wished later that I had used a recording device. However it was a start Big Eagle had been sent to Santee after his prison time was up.

In Flandreau I found the book 'Mary and Me' and a museum who allowed me to look through old documents, and I found Big Eagle again. He had been one of the Dakota from Santee who started the Rez in Flandreau. As I said this all happened after he was released from Davenport. So I had to back track. I went to the Lower Sioux and immediately felt I knew the area, it was like coming home. I went to where the 'Uprising' began, and could hear voices in a field however there was no-one there. I found out later that was where the Dakota had got together before they attacked the town. For ages (I mean years) I couldn't go into the warehouse there that is still standing. It scared me. When I did eventually go in, it was OK, but by then I knew the story.

Continued HERE


Thanks for the messages, keep sending them in please.

That's it for today.... Prayers sent from me in England for the Riders, the Horses, the Crews, the Communities who feed and house the riders, crew and horses, the Supporters worldwide and YOU... Mitakuye Oyasin



Header photos © Julie Carrow 2013. Thanks Julie.

Design and web site by Gloria Hazell-Derby of Dragonfly Dezignz 2017