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Staines is an urban area in the Borough (Hundreds) of Spelthorne (Spelethorne). The main towns in Spelthorne are Staines (Stanes), Ashford (Exeford), Stanwell (Stanwelle), Shepperton (Scepertone), Sunbury (Sunbarie). Staines is the administrative centre of the Borough and has the largest shopping area. Spelthorne is a district of London, that has a population of approximately 90,000, and covers 21 square miles. (words in brackets are from the Doomsday Book. c.1086.) |
Books |
Photographic Books about Staines that are interesting: Snapshots of
Staines - J.L. & D.M. Barker Staines in old picture postcards - Barry Dix Staines; An Illustrated Record - M.M. Smithers Staines an Illustrated Miscellany - Frith Book Company All of these books have facts in them as well as photos. |
Historic & Interesting Up Pontes - Christine Lake The Commons of Staines - Assn. for the Preservation of Staines Moor Excavations in Staines 1975-6: The Friends' Burial Ground Site - K R Crouch, Roman and Medieval Staines the Development of the Town - Phil Jones Staines; a History - Pamela Maryfield Staines - An Illustrated Miscellany Staines; A History & Celebration - Russell Thompson The Spelthorne
Book 11
- Friends of Spelthorne Museum
Remembering Spelthorne
- World War 1 - Researched and written by Jenny Scripps Belgians in Staines at Riverbank - Jenny Scripps Child of 2000 meets child of 200 - A Childs guide to life in Roman Staines From Floor to Ceiling - How one mans invention brought fame to Staines. The story of Linoleum Roman and Medieval Staines - Full archaeological reports on excavations in Staines between 1977 and 1989 Staines in the Records part 1 - History of Staines - up to the Middle Ages to Medieval part 1 Staines in the Records part 2 - History of Staines - Medieval to Modern part 2 Staines Town Hall: Surrey's Finest Time and Tide Tour - A look at the History of the River Thames in Staines, Middlesex Staines Town Trail Some Moor 2 -
A brief history of Staines Moor 2022: In this 70th
year of Queen Elizabeth ll's reign, I thought you may be interested
in the following book that was reprinted for her Diamond Jubilee. |
Middlesex Books Middlesex Within Living Memory - Middlesex Federation of Women's Institutes Domesday Book; Midelsexe - Editor; John Morris The Great A.W. Smith - A tale of Victorian Enterprise and life in S.W. Middlesex 100 years ago. |
Various Staines information, historic or otherwise, are listed on the page Links below. |
All information
on this site was researched using the following sources: |
created by
2002. Updated 2023.
Copyright Dragonfly Dezignz (1998 - to date )