Ancient Voices

A Museum to honor the least known people in North America, the Original Tribal Women

Tourist Art or Whimsies

This page shows some Tourist Art. These amazing beadwork items have been made by the women of various North Eastern Tribes since the early 1800's. With these small items that were mass produced they saved the economic status of their tribes. Many of these pieces were sold at Niagara Falls. eagerly snapped up by the many tourists there. Another name for these items is Whimsies.

All of the beads are glass and all of these items have glass beads in a series of drops on the bottom of the items. Some of the beads have broken off after so many years of wear and tear but they are still beautiful little items and you can see the amount of work and concentration that has gone into each one.

A small bag dated 1907
The back of the first bad showing the intricate beadwork formed like a rosette.
A beautiful blue rounded bag in a really good condition. All the beadwork has survived even though this bag is about 100 years old
This is one of Niagara Falls items. The women would sit at small card tables to make these crafts, they would sit where the tourists could watch them work.
This is an early box formed with 4 or 5 sides and top
This shows the top if a match holder done in yellow material and beads


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Museum Research & Curator Gloria Hazell
Site created by Dragonfly Dezignz
©August, 2006