Hello, It is December 22nd, 2022, and the final Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride is in it's thirteenth day.
This is the thirteenth webpage of the Ride.

I have added the different years Rides pages at the bottom of the webpages where the other links are, so that those of you who are new can see them. I hope these pages get used for many years to come, so that people can read and learn about the historic things that happened to the Dakota in 1862.

The background of this page is of the Warehouse at the Lower Sioux, Minn where the fighting started in 1862. The Dakota People came together just beyond where the trees are and planned their moves. Although most buildings were destroyed by fire at that point, this strong stone building still stands, and is a testament to the 1862 History. The times that I have been inside it, it was set up like it would have been in 1862. I don't know if it still is though.

As of Dec 16th, we have reached 9,000 members in the group. The most we have ever had.

Sadly less than 2% of that number are visiting the web site.

This section will stay here all along the Ride to enable people to get calendars no matter what day they come in first.

I am making some different calendars this year. The first one is of the horses through the years, the second one will be of unusual, beautiful, photos that have been taken through the years. They will be $5 each payable to the Go Fund Me page for the Ride expenses. The 3rd one I am working on is a Historic one, of the Dakota 38 and 1862. That Calendar will be FREE. Years ago I was given permission to use these photos from the MN Historical Society as long as I didn't charge anyone for them. So the Calendar with those photos will be free. Same proceedure. Gloria (Admin)

I hope this URL works OK.

If you want a Calendar, please email me at dakota38@dragonflydezignz.50megs.com ASAP

Let me know which you want and I will email you a PDF file so that you can print them out yourself. As usual I will need an up to date email address from you, or it/they won't reach you, Thanks, Gloria

FYI: You get a PDF file/s in your email, you can then print your own calendar, I do not mail the actual calendar out to you. As I live in England that would be a bit expensive to do!! It does work as I made the calendars for a number of years a while back and as far as I know everyone managed to print one out.

For those of you who have ordered calendars, you are on my list and the PDF's will be sent out as soon as I have them tested. Keep an eye out in your email, also the junk mail just in case! Thanks - Gloria

The horses a couple of days ago

Prayers for the day from 2017

Mo Nichols
Good morning to all!
Creator we offer many thanks of gratitude on this beautiful day. Thank you for hearing our prayers. Thank you for keeping the riders and the horses safe thus far. Thank you for allowing them to be the instruments that show others what forgiveness looks like in action. Thank you for the support staff, and volunteers that are feeding, lodging, and supporting in ways we many not know. Thank you for the admin team that is doing a phenomenal job keeping us updated and doing behind the scenes task we are unaware of. Thank you for allowing us a place to share our thoughts and Prayers for all on this journey.
We ask that all our brothers and sisters receive what they need today to keep their bodies strong, their minds clear, their hearts open, and their souls healed. May they rest well as they prepare to continue this journey. A journey for our ancestors, for ourselves, for our futures. A journey necessary because of actions that should have never happened, but a journey that you are guiding so we can all heal. We give many thanks for our gentle warriors on this ride! May they all continue with love, honor, respect, and dignity! May you embrace them with your love, the love from around the world, and protect their every step.
Love, blessings, respect, and honor to all

Here are some good wishes for the Riders that came in since yesterday.
Once I have collected your post I will like it. If I haven't liked it I won't have got it on my file yet.

Day 12/13

Rosetta Walker Admin
I would like to give recognition to the creator of the Dakota 38 Memorial Ride Facebook page Gloria Hazell Derby. I have had the privilege and honor of being an admin for several years.

Please take the time to read the daily updates, the synopsis and history of the ride are in those pages.
We, as admins, take great pride in helping out with the daily updates. From vetting new members, to approving posts and all the other questions that come with that.

I was reading Gloria's post from 2019 and shared these words with her...
" reading these words today (12/22/2022) brings back a plethora of memories. You have been the rock, the impetus that kept this social media plattform together all these years. Yes, there were others who supported it, but as it was Jim's dream, this has been your dream. Thank you seems inadequate for all the time and energy you have poured into these pages. I appreciate you and thank you for sharing your strength through these messages. Pilamaya, an admin."

Respectfully submitted, Rosetta Walker admin, Sicangu Lakota Rosebud Sioux Tribe.

(Previous years posts in this section)
Ramona Gerber
Good Thursday morning riders & support staff. A few less miles today, but still a important part of the journey. Hoping Warriors & horses get some rest the next couple of days. Enjoy your quiet time to reflect & hope each of you have received something from this experience. Your commitment & dedication is there, as you are nearing the final days of the ride. God speed & safe journey. Many blessings to you all from Alaska & Merry Christmas.

Kandi World Turner
It's been a mild ride, weather wise, so far this year hasn't it? That's about to change now I hear. We're going to get snow here tomorrow, but the big story is the temperatures are going to really get cold. Miss you, my friend! Really miss my Dakota 38+2 family and the Ride this year!

Mary Setser
May you always have safe travels, May you always be blessed.

John Leith Admin
Good morning, its cold outside, I am getting ready to go help cook for the riders, 150 all together I think, have a good day

Roberta Aitchison Olson
Many blessings for the riders & the horses. Rest up before the final leg. Praying for all to be safe in the brutally cold weather expected on Sun & mon.
Elaine L Bear
There is no greater love than one who sacrifices themselves for our prayers. Wopila... Thank you so much, I have followed the ride for many years, every day I look for up dates.
Troy Jenifer
You are all in our prayers this week. Be safe.
Candace Martinez
And warm:)

Mary Setser
Gloria thanks for all the History . Prayers going up for everyone, I am so sad about our History , how our Peoples were treated makes me feel angry but I know I must not be angry I must Pray harder for peoples to come together in Peace to let the Healing begin. I must stay strong so our next generation will never experience what our Ancestors went thru.

Vicky Merrett
I imagine that as the riders get closer to their destination their hearts get heavy with the history of what happened to their ancestors and maybe there is a strong desire just to keep going,that the sadness is just too much to bear. I have great respect for everyone on this journey, may you all be blessed and have your ancestors smile down on you. Keep safe, keep warm and hug the horses for me.

Lesley Ann Blue
Tiffany Lynn White Eyes
Travel safe!
Rita Wilson Baker
Thank you so much
April Godfrey
Tunkashila be with you
Mary Dunlop
MsVanessa Maree
Cindy Mottern
Prayers up. Safe journey for all
Mary Gonsor
Brave one & all.
Nina Fox
We've made it to Redwood Falls, Minnesota. Day 12. Dakota 38 +2
Tammy Watson
I hope you feel the strength of an entire nation behind you...

Sheri Gaynor
Thank you for honoring the women...and the men. I fear things are moving in a horrible direction in our country at this time. I think to have this list public is a very important contribution to educating the public of the truth.

Dave Andres
They say a picture is worth 1000 words but I find it difficult to articulate the amount of honor, dedication and commitment demonstrated in this photo.

Laura Oochoo
Thank you for sharing this!

Ashleigh Grey Bull
Cold one this year

Arlene Flatfoot
Stay safe
Lee Soward
Akicita to the max. Looks good warriors

Arlene Kashata
Prayers for safe travels .. so cold today

Mary Thelen
Stunning photo says it all right there

Mary Dunlop
Laurie Costa Admin
Dave Andres Well said!
Richard Perea
Very cold
Deb England
Prayers for all.
Ellen Zoey Holden Hadley
There aren’t enough words to thank you all !
LRaye Picard Squiemphen
Prayers for strength an safety
Collette Zuine
Corrine Brave
Smoke rising
Carrie Lopez
Prayers for all the riders
Danielle SeeWalker
Big prayers for the warriors riding & the horse relatives. Remembering the fallen ones
Wendy Peterson Dehkes
Brave and strong! Be safe in your remaining journey.
Siri Flower
O HAN!!! My prayers are with you....thank you for your strength, courage, determination, healing, remembrance....
MsVanessa Maree
prayers up for safety, warmth, & strength for the sacred four legged & the riders an supporters!
Deborah Hunt
So many prayers for you all and the horses.
Julie Siestreem
Holly Irene Cardoza

Cara Loyd
Sending prayers and hugs and lots of warm thoughts to you all! Thank you

Jl Wasson
There r no words Lou we all owe u and the team a debt we couldn't possibly phanths
Elsie Ewing
Prayers for riders and horses and workers

Rebecca Galliford
Great photo. Love the icy horse breath blowing.

Rachel Gullickson
These are brave natives
Denise Hall Clardy
Thank you for sharing!!! Blessings to all.
Susan Engelby
Humans and horses be very careful out there …Godspeed on your journey

Larry D Soocee
Beautiful photo and the ancestors and holy ones with you all

Bea Herbert
I've been following these riders with respect for many years now, and admire their commitment and courage. Prayers for riders and horses.

Evelyn Henry
Awesome picture, thank you for sharing your journey with us. Stay warm, it looks cold out there and take care

Ota Walking Elk
Tim Parker
Judy Eastman
Prayers and safe travels

Gerard Purnot
Honor and respect bless your heart and spirit

Ed Marek
Glad they are in for the day.

Jeanette Farr-Fox
You folks are my absolute heroes. So are the horses

Lori HighElk
Prayers for the Sunka Wakan Oyate and Riders. . .for their Sacrifices. . .Wopila!!!
Sally Anderson
Happy Solstice to you all. Glad you are warm and safe.

Gloria Hazell-Derby Admin

I am very proud of the people in this group, they are very caring, sensible, wise, human beings. I have seen them talk to someone who is in despair, and make them feel better, I have seen them find a place for a homeless woman and her dog many miles from where they themselves lived. They may have been in CA or FL in the warm sunshine, but they cared for a woman and her dog who were sheltering in her car, in the snows of MT. They got together behind the scenes, contacted the place where she was parked, purchased some food for her and the dog, filled her tank with gas and while that was going on, others were finding her a shelter to go to so that she would be warm and safe. We sat up all night watching this woman get to safety, and when she did we got a phone call from the place to say she was safe. I don't know about the rest but I cheered and cried. We heard from this lady this year and she had stayed there for a few months, until the weather warmed and then she moved to a place of safety. she sent photos of her and her dog near her new home in the mountains in MT, it looked beautiful and I was so pleased for her. I have seen the prayers sent by so many for those who needed them. I alone have made so many friends who mean the world to me on here, from so many different places in the world. Two of those friends are on the Ride Sharlene from South Africa, who joined us last year and was determined to get there to Ride, she made us all laugh with her 'x amount of sleeps before I leave for the Ride' she is there now on a horse called Di, fulfilling her dream. Joy is another friend who is there, she came up to SD from GA on a bus, almost on the spur of the moment, she was met by Keith and they along with Josette and Sharlene travelled together to the Lower Brule. These people believed in Jim's dream, in the Ride, and they trusted us to share their dreams with. This year people have been helped through one situation or another by this wonderful loving group of worldwide souls. I am so very proud of them all.

Jim and Alberta have asked me to continue to run the group as I have been doing over the years. I have said I would. I believe in respect for each other, and continuing my promise to my late husband Chuck Derby who was Dakota.

Although I am in England I find it pretty easy to keep up with the group and the Ride. At this time of year I live on American time so that I can catch the photos or words that I put on the group page, once I have enough I make up a web page each day, well 2 am to 5 am my time. and publish it on line before I go to bed.

Up until this year I have been the only Admin for the group, but this year I asked Lou Fuentes if he would back me up in case I couldn't get on line for one reason or another, and he said yes, so he is the second Admin, and we both keep a close eye on the group. At this time of year Lou is a great asset to the group, making the map and keeping an eye on the weather. (2022: Other Admins were added through the years, some stayed some moved on, but all of them have neem an asset to the Ride and to me. Thanks to you all. Gloria)

Sharlene calls this the best family ever, and I know Lou and I feel the same way, we are a group pf people who are more than strangers joining up for a subject we believe in. We are like a family, we care about each other, we pray for each other, and during this Ride I suggested we do a prayer together at a certain time of the day so that we are all together praying. The feedback of that is wonderful, the people feel like they are closer to the Ride and each other by doing it that way. It is very powerful.

Sharlene visited me in England in 2014, after the Ride that year, and presented me with this wonderful painting that had been signed on the back by all of the Riders that year. A much loved gift from the Heart.
Thanks again, so much, both Sharlene, and the Riders

Love, respect, caring, spirituality, understanding, positivity, and wisdom abound in this group, this family, this Tiospaye. I feel very honoured to work on here for you and the Ride, and Jim's dream.

Mitakuye Owasin

More tommorow

Thanks Everyone for your kind words

Thanks Ron!

Fort Ridgely

Today the Ride goes 17 miles (276) from Redwood Falls to Fort Ridgely Historic Site

The Horses get taken care of at the Courtland Farm. Hay donated by Gary Knish

Lodging will be at the Courtland Community Center
300, Railroad Ct. Courtland

Breakfast will be in the Hotel. Continental Breakfast

Lunch will be with the Chuck Wagon

Dinner will be with Marilyn His Day at Courtland at 5 pm.

Thanks to all of those who are assisting with the food. It is much appreciated.

That's it for today.... Prayers sent from me in England for the Riders, the Horses, the Crews, the Communities who feed and house the riders, crew and horses, the Supporters worldwide and YOU... Mitakuye Oyasin
Until tommorow, sleep well

Gloria (Admin)

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Past websites 2013
none this year
The Dakota Men
Historic info
The Dakota Women
Virtual Ride
Prisoners Names
Imprisioned Women
Little Crow's Speech
Messages for Riders

Website Created by Gloria HD of Dragonfly Dezignz. UK. 2022 ©