Hello, It is December 23rd, 2022, and the final Dakota 38 + 2 Memorial Ride is in it's fourteenth day.
This is the fourteenth webpage of the Ride.

I have added the different years Rides pages at the bottom of the webpages where the other links are, so that those of you who are new can see them. I hope these pages get used for many years to come, so that people can read and learn about the historic things that happened to the Dakota in 1862.

The background of this page is of Pua Case's Hawaiian class from 2013. See her words below
Pua Case
When I was a middle school teacher, my students and my family started to follow and support the Dakota 38 +2 ride in 2013. We tracked their ride everyday reporting miles traveled, weather conditions, and daily ride summaries. We sent gifts to each rider to deepen our connection including bandanas, a felt white triangle pin for Mauna Kea and in 2016 we presented a Hawaiian flag that had flown on the mauna in our 2015 frontline stance. The flag was presented to Jim and Alberta Miller at the Wounded Knee Memorial at Pine Ridge. The greatest honor was for Kalani and I to be taken to Mankato to sing our honor songs and seeing this ride begin today, I send my prayers, songs and heartfelt support and deepest Aloha to all who make this ride and all who take care of them all along the way. Pua

Good to see you again Pua.

As of Dec 16th, we have reached 9,000 members in the group. The most we have ever had.

Sadly less than 2% of that number are visiting the web site.

This section will stay here all along the Ride to enable people to get calendars no matter what day they come in first.

I am making some different calendars this year. The first one is of the horses through the years, the second one will be of unusual, beautiful, photos that have been taken through the years. They will be $5 each payable to the Go Fund Me page for the Ride expenses. The 3rd one I am working on is a Historic one, of the Dakota 38 and 1862. That Calendar will be FREE. Years ago I was given permission to use these photos from the MN Historical Society as long as I didn't charge anyone for them. So the Calendar with those photos will be free. Same proceedure. Gloria (Admin)

I hope this URL works OK.

If you want a Calendar, please email me at dakota38@dragonflydezignz.50megs.com ASAP

Let me know which you want and I will email you a PDF file so that you can print them out yourself. As usual I will need an up to date email address from you, or it/they won't reach you, Thanks, Gloria

FYI: You get a PDF file/s in your email, you can then print your own calendar, I do not mail the actual calendar out to you. As I live in England that would be a bit expensive to do!! It does work as I made the calendars for a number of years a while back and as far as I know everyone managed to print one out.

For those of you who have ordered calendars, you are on my list and the PDF's will be sent out as soon as I have them tested. Keep an eye out in your email, also the junk mail just in case! Thanks - Gloria

A horse saying hello in Pipestone, 2010
Photo by Gloria Hazell-Derby

Prayers for the day from 2014
In Memory of Rider Shelly Bausch
who passed away when leaving the Ride this day in 2014

Alberta Jim Miller
22 December 2014
From Jim Miller:
'On behalf of our riders, families and supporters we extend our sincerest and heartfelt condolences to the family of Shelly Bausch . From the conversations that different riders had with Shelly immediately after her fall, we know that she leaned over to adjust her stirrup and fell off the mule. She received immediate medical attention and the cut in her head required 15 stitches. She returned to the Community Center, shared a meal with the riders and attended the presentations. She was happy and reassured everyone that she was okay. So when we heard about her passing on the way home the shock was great.'

'Late last night the rider community called for a prayer circle to share the news and to offer prayers for Shelly. Most naturally in our human way we want to question why? Could it have been prevented? However, as spiritually minded people we know and are reassured that Creator picks the time of our arrival and the time of our departure. Creator allowed Shelly to have her last ride and placed her in the company of a loving, compassionate and supportive community. Please keep us advised of her funeral arrangements. We will continue to hold her in our hearts and in our prayers.'

Gloria Hazell Derby - 2014
I just had this message in from Leonard Peltier. He wants me to share it with all of you. I guess I don't have to explain who Leonard is. He is a descendant of one of the 38, White Dog. Leonard says this:

'That certainly is bad news about Shelly, I just want you to know that I too am grieving and sad to hear about her passing. I know this is hard for the family as it is for any, so we grieve for there loss too. This ride is good because what was done to the Dakotas was genocide and the world should never forget. We need to make sure this does not deter us from continuing as I'M sure Shelly would not want this to happen.
Thank you
In the Spirit of Little Crow and all of the Dakotas who was hung and died for their/OUR Peoples.
Leonard Peltier'

Shelly on the Ride 2014
Photo by Nina Fox

Here are some good wishes for the Riders that came in since yesterday.
Once I have collected your post I will like it. If I haven't liked it I won't have got it on my file yet.

Day 13/14

Mary Krause
Amen. Your safety and protection given to the horses mean more to me then anything else. I can close my eyes and see, hear, and feel your messages of sincerity, hope, reconciliation, dedication, healing, and the love towards Mother Earth. Thank you my friend, brother and sister!

Laurie Costa Admin
Thank you so much for everything you do, Gloria. Your webpage is stellar and I admire you for making it daily. Thank you for the history, photographs and posts you share. I always look forward to reading and seeing it. Thank you also for all you do to make The Ride happen! You deserve much respect. It is an honor to know you.

Linda Lee Bruner
Me too

Tina Seacrest
Prayers for all!
Pamela Kay Leverenz
Jayne Brock
Prayers for horse & rider.

Con Labelle

Linda Lee Bruner

Elona Tyler-Bergstad
Irene Anne Trebilcock
Prayers up for all !!
Gigi Nielsen
I wish they would take a break on these cold days.
Maria Redday
Sending prayers Continued prayers for all.
Carole LaMonte-Kloss
Erin Fredricks
Jennifer Leigh Monette
In Prayers
Loa Miles Simoes
Prayers for all..
Maddie Redwing
Prayers be safe.
Marge DR Admin
Be safe!!
Mary J Baumann-Hollinshead
Pray he is wearing some red flannels
Judy Eastman
Stay safe. Prayers for the horse nation
Stephanie Dawn Foote
Mary Rauk Ott
Ola Reynolds
Prayers For all of them and Horses. This is today. Prayers out for Man and Horses
Roxanne Campbell
Prayers they need to take breaks and warm up today stay safe out there everyone
Ingrid Emitt
love to see the young generation following the traditions
Candi Hinderscheid
Sending prayers for you all to stay safe & warm out there.
Cindy Mottern
Prayers up
Chris Denny
Prayers for health and help
Tachiinii Asdzaa
Yes...prayers for them!
Iris Keoke
Corinne Hodges
Shawn McDonnell
Dorie Nelson
Stay safe and warm
Lorraine Major
Prayers for their safety.

Annette Wilson
Prayers up

Mina Shike

Rhonda Bondy
sending you all prayers, stay safe and keep warm, love you all

Donna Duering
Prayers and be safe. Prayers for everyone and your horses, be safe out there.

Eileen Blackdeer
Susan Magor
Kristeen Giese
I wish all of the riders stay safe today!
Phyllis Swift Hawk
Continuance prayers.
Kandyce Horn
Prayers from hochunk village
Laverne Goodthunder
Sending prayers for safe travels. Pidamaya
Chyrel Decoteau
Continued Prayers to Creator
Tukame Wierika
Resando por ustedes!!!aho mitakuye oyasin

Jeanette Farr-Fox
Be careful in that dangerous storm

Elsie Ewing
Prayers for the weather to warm up
Alice Erickson
Good morning, please be safe stay warm & out of the brutal elements. Prayers wrap around all of you.
Kathy Knight
May everyone stay safe! All horses and riders. Along with all that help create this. Prayers being lifted.
Alexa R Wambolt-Carson
Twillia Moody-Lundin
Judy Peters
PRAYING for the Riders and Horses to be Safe and Stay warm. Don’t let the horses sweat or they’ll get sick.
Tammy Lorch
I hope you get to the next destination before the wind picks up and produces the whiteout blizzard conditions.
Pam Xayaphonesongkham
Stay safe and warm!! Prayers for a safe ride!!
Promise Koleznar
Sending healing vibrations my relatives
Deanna Johnson
Morning.....stay safe
Helen Kishigobennese
Prayers prayers prayers Stay safe
Sher Dee
Nyla Johnson
Tiffany R. Mitchell
Thoughts with you all
Danene Provencher
-36 windchill. Stay warm and safe
Kaye Renville
continued Prayers for the riders and their horses
Marylou HeadWynde
Prayers for the horse’s, riders, and everyone.
Ronnette Kennedy Trulson
Pamela Kay Leverenz
Rebecca Hughes
Jessica Hernandez
Collette Zuine
Marcel Amiotte
Good morning
Gretchen Anne
Omg! I'm sending Hugs and Warm Prayers!
Collette Zuine
Prayers for strength and warmth to you all
Juanita Lucio-RunsAgainst
Safe travels
Jill Tate
Melissa Ronette
Prayers for warmth and safety for all riders, horses, and volunteers involved in the ride.
Deb Weina
Prayers of warmth and safety for everyone this morning.
Elizabeth Clark
Sending prayers and support watching from Michigan
Jeepero Vega
Prayers Up, From Chicago
Anne-Marie Mariani
stay safe
Patti Peterson
Thank you for sharing this! Be safe
Tammy Jean
Safe travels, please take safety as a concern for the riders and horses..
Rhonda Bondy
sending you all my prayers, be safe and stay warm, love you all
Rama Chance Guidry
Continued Prayers for all of Ya'll.
Miranda Cogswell
Praying for safe travels for everyone
Audrey Haas
Prayers for all and animals,
Tobie Nelson
Mercy prayers for the riders
Judy Markus
Tammi Buesing
Prayers sent.
Susie Scott
Be safe out there.
Jeannie Keenan
Safe travels
Pam Haumpy-Gayton

Cindy Reinitz Jackelen
Abundant prayers!!

Sami Lepre
Prayers up!

Larry D Soocee
Marva Redthunder
Don Stein
Prayers for all
Cindy Reinitz Jackelen
Praying as riders go into the blizzard today! Oh my!
Elona Tyler-Bergstad
Stay safe and healthy
Anne Donnelly-Rieke
The roads don’t look too bad, just blowing snow. That windchill is harsh. Prayers for safe travels for riders, horses and volunteers.

Pam Hastings
Oh boy...stay safe. Your life and your horses well being are primary importance. God bless and protect you throughout your journey.

Joy Maddox Dacus
Grateful everyone is in now. Love and prayers.
Ronnette Kennedy Trulson
Denise Hall Clardy
Prayers for all. They’re so dedicated and brave.
Elaine L Bear
Prayers for courage and safety

Lou Fuentes Admin
Travel should be restricted to emergencies only.
If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you with warm clothes and
a charged cell phone.
Tell someone where you are going, and when you expect to arrive.
If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle.

Thanks Lou!

More tommorow

Thanks Everyone for your kind words

This is one of the Riders, Lamont. The photo and the following words were posted by his Proud Mother
Tiny King
Dis my son Lamont keep him in ur prayers and I hope he dress warm, love u son, i'm proud of u son

Lorna Blackbull
Love to your son and all the riders, my son is also on that ride as well

Blythe Stillwell
Prayers are being sent to your son and all of the riders, horses and support out there today and throughout their journey. They are brave and powerful

Linda Lee Bruner
Prayers for him and u

Nichole Marie Schendel
Prayers for your son and all the riders and their horses.

Arlene Kashata
Awesome son

Noreen Hautala
(Please, tell him to cover ALL his skin in these temps and wind chills. Protect his lovely face from frostbite)

Carrie Lopez
Prayers for your son

Kim Walksin Love
Awwww You should be so proud Mother….What an honor.

Janel Tache
Praying for him and all

Leigh Salway
PRAYERS for Lamont & Thank you for the BLESSINGS you carry with you...stay warm & give your horse hugs for carrying you thru all this winter storm..feel our hugs

New Ulm (established 1854)

Today the Ride goes 25 miles (301) from Fort Ridgely Historic Site to Courtland
They will be riding through New Ulm.

The Horses again get taken care of at the Courtland Farm. Hay again donated by Gary Knish

Lodging will be at the Courtland Community Center
300, Railroad Ct. Courtland
10 room blocks at the AmericInn, Mankato
20 room blocks at Microtel, New Ulm

Breakfast will be in Courtland Courtesy of Katie Boone

Lunch will be with the Chuck Wagon

Dinner will be with Francess Keeliher in Courtland

Thanks to all of those who are assisting with the food. It is much appreciated.

The following is from the Runners

That's it for today.... Prayers sent from me in England for the Riders, the Horses, the Crews, the Communities who feed and house the riders, crew and horses, the Supporters worldwide and YOU... Mitakuye Oyasin
Until tommorow, sleep well

Gloria (Admin)

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Past websites 2013
none this year
The Dakota Men
Historic info
The Dakota Women
Virtual Ride
Prisoners Names
Imprisioned Women
Little Crow's Speech
Messages for Riders

Website Created by Gloria HD of Dragonfly Dezignz. UK. 2022 ©