story 1
1986 - 94

site redesigned
June 2007
Gloria Hazell
1997 - 2007
All Rights Reserved.This
site is rated by the following organizations

site designed by

Graphics by Gloria Hazell 1997 - 2007
The background is from a quilled moccasin, graphic by Gloria Hazell
medicine wheel logo was drawn by Solomon Derby and gifted to the Center
for our use.
Thank you Solomon
Hawk Award
award is from High Density Computing. Pidamiya Koda
for this great award.
30, 2000
Little Feather, I'd like to thank you for making our
travelling special! We came by with 12 people from
Holland and we all had a great time passing through
your museum. Thanks.
Mariska, The Netherlands, Jul
17, 2001
Mariska visited the Center again in 2002, 2003 and
2004. and we have visited her in Holland in 2004
is one site I will return to often. The information in your text is more
detailed than I have found anywhere else. GREAT JOB! Again,
Beautiful site. I would be very thankful for any and all
help concering the sun dancers. - John, August 1999 |
page has links to various Minnesota historical sites and
state parks, and organizations that are important to the
Native American Nations.
2002: We have made our own separate
Pipestone site to give information about the town this will
be listed below.
own site:
Minnesota Information
(Choose which Browser you use on first page)
other Dakota groups in Pipestone
Dakota Tiospaye
Catlinite Quarriers Guild

Minnesota Historical society
warehouse building at the Lower Sioux Agency |
we move to the Lower Sioux Agency in Morton,
MN. Here is an area rich in cultural history for
the Dakota. In 1862 many lives were altered when
in a small town called Acton, some Dakota youths
stole some eggs and killed some settlers because
the government had let them down and they and their
families were starving. Many people were affected
by these actions in Acton, and in a couple of days
the revolt became overwhelming and spread as far
as New Ulm and Lake Shetek. By December 26th, 1862
the revolt had ended, the Native warriors captured,
and tried in a one-sided court process which most
of them didn't understand. The president, Abe Lincoln,
had been involved and 39 Dakota men were due to
hung that day in Mankato in the biggest mass execution
in the history of America.
except one of the men were hung that day to the
sound of their own death songs, and buried close
to the river, near the spot where they were hung.
By the next morning all of the bodies had been exhumed
and taken. Some were taken to medical facilities
for experimentation, some were taken as souvenirs,
some were just taken by the angry mob. In recent
years groups of people have been working on finding
the remains of these victims of a world gone mad.
Chuck and I worked on a committee for 4 years doing
just this, and working to find a way to rest the
Spirits of these 38 men plus 3 others who were also
killed in similar circumstances. In 1997, at Birch
Coulee on Memorial day weekend, a Medicine Man performed
a ceremony that had not been seen in over 100 years,
to help these Spirits move on in peace. We watched
in awed silence the flashing lights up in the trees
that surrounded us, we listened to the drum and
we knew that Spirit was pleased with the ceremony.
It was a great honor to be there to witness spiritual
history taking place.
learn more about what is known as the Minnesota
Uprising of 1862 you can visit the Lower Sioux
Agency Museum where they have a very big area
dedicated to this part of Minnesota Dakota history.
The grounds are also interesting to walk around
and the museum often puts on demonstrations and
exhibits of other Dakota items.
web site is located HERE
various other historic sites please go to this
November, 2004 the 2nd Dakota Commemorative
March took place from the Lower Sioux Reservation
in Morton, to Fort Snelling. This March followed
the route that the Dakota walked in 1862.
These were mostly women, children and elders.
Many of them were killed along the way. This
march was first completed in 2002 by people
who are descendants of the Dakota who walked
in 1862, and will again take place in 2006.
more details please click HERE |


copyright Minnesota Historical society
carvings in rock, a must see!
above org.
Inter-agency which provides information for Native
American Communities.
above org |
Indian Affairs Council
Mission statement: 'to protect the sovereignty
of 11 Minnesota Tribes and the well-being of American
Indian people throughout Minnesota.'
Information on all of Minnesota's Tribal Nations |
are proud to be a supporter of the following organization:

above org. |
'IThe Little Feather Center is an excellent way to promote
not only the beauty of the Native American heritage and
culture but keeps us informed on current issues affecting
Indian country. - Arthur, South Dakota, August 2002
received your newsletter and logged on last night to discover
both the tour and the pipe-making workshop! I can’t come!
I cried a lot!! Anyway, by this morning I’d got over weeping
and resolved to come some time next year. You will hold
another workshop on pipe-making won’t you Chuck? There is
nothing I want to do more than to sit by your side and make
a pipe.' - TJ, South Africa. Feb 2003.
took a trip and visited you all last winter, We have all
been thinking about you all a lot and just wanted you to
know how much visiting you has meant to us, we came in with
the Raven with a bad wing she now is flying, thanks for
the information you gave us on the Raptor Center, we wish
you all well, and if we can ever help ya out let us know,
with all our hearts. - The ODDer clan, November, 2002
you Gloria. I recieved the name of the Little Feather
Indian Center by Ed McGaa through a chance e-mail.
I am traveling through pipestone Sept. 13, 14 with
my almost 18 year old son as he follows his mother
in search of that which is searching for her. I hope
to stop and learn of the pipes and order one. I was
sad earlier today, very sad and thought of leaving
the path that my medicine woman is guiding me on.
I am encouraged by the site. Thank you, Fyrstartyr.
317 4th Street North East, Pipestone Minnesota USA
littlefeather4 at hotmail dot com |