
Squirrelly passed away in 2002. she is buried beneath her
tree at the Center along with peanuts and sunflower seeds
to see her through her journey home. She is
sadly missed, but her children are still living here, carrying
on their mother's friendly ways.
small part of the Center
20th 2005 - Chuck and I were cleaning up the yard, he
was mowing and I was picking up the sticks laying around.
I noticed that Squirrelly's Tree had been shedding a lot
of bark and I knew that I couldn't throw it away, it is
too beautiful both in it's own right and because of the
memory of Squirrelly. Then standing there looking at the
bark I wondered if you, our friends and readers, those of
you who knew Squirrelly and those who didn't, would like
a piece of it, maybe to put on your mantle or your altar
(that's where my piece will be going) or where ever you
feel it belongs in your life. There isn't a lot of it but
I could break it into smaller pieces depending on how many
people want some of it. It will be first come first served.
continued in this thought pattern and wondered if you would
be interested in sending in a small donation for the Center
along with the mailing costs. I am certain that Squirrelly
would love that.... So.....
you would like a small part of the Center via the bark from
Squirrelly's Tree please send along a donation to at least
cover the cost of the mailing, plus of course your name
and address, to Chuck and Gloria, Squirrellys Bark, PO Box
334, Pipestone, MN 56164, and we will send you the bark
plus a photo of Chuck taken this week with Squirrelly's
great grand-daughter who also feeds close to him.

is not the photo that will be sent although this was taken
this week
Derby is a proud Founder Member

assured that the pipestone you get from us is the Genuine
stone from the sacred quarries. It is the same stone that
the ancient pipestone pipes were made from.

Friendly Award given to us in 1998

received your newsletter and logged on last night to discover
both the tour and the pipe-making workshop! I can’t come!
I cried a lot!! Anyway, by this morning I’d got over weeping
and resolved to come some time next year. You will hold
another workshop on pipe-making won’t you Chuck? There is
nothing I want to do more than to sit by your side and make
a pipe.' - TJ, South Africa. Feb 2003.
took a trip and visited you all last winter, We have all
been thinking about you all a lot and just wanted you to
know how much visiting you has meant to us, we came in with
the Raven with a bad wing she now is flying, thanks for
the information you gave us on the Raptor Center, we wish
you all well, and if we can ever help ya out let us know,
with all our hearts. - The ODDer clan, November, 2002
is one site I will return to often. The music of Running
Elk's site is awsome! The information in your text is more
detailed than I have found anywhere else. GREAT JOB! Again,
Beautiful site. I would be very thankful for any and all
help concering the sun dancers. - John, August 1999
The Little Feather Center is an excellent way to promote
not only the beauty of the Native American heritage and
culture but keeps us informed on current issues affecting
Indian country. - Arthur, South Dakota, August 2002
you Gloria. I recieved the name of the Little Feather
Indian Center by Ed McGaa through a chance e-mail.
I am traveling through pipestone Sept. 13, 14 with
my almost 18 year old son as he follows his mother
in search of that which is searching for her. I hope
to stop and learn of the pipes and order one. I was
sad earlier today, very sad and thought of leaving
the path that my medicine woman is guiding me on.
I am encouraged by the site. Thank you, Fyrstartyr.
Little Feather, I'd like to thank you for making our
travelling special! We came by with 12 people from
Holland and we all had a great time passing through
your museum. Thanks.
Mariska, The Netherlands, Jul
17, 2001
Mariska visited the Center again in 2002, 2003 and
2004. and we have visited her in Holland in 2004
317 4th Street North East, Pipestone Minnesota USA
littlefeather4 at hotmail dot com |